Notes - ExtinctAU

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Takes place after Chromatober Day 31 - Close. 

Short Recap: Red and Orange would go and talk in the woods so that the creature that saved them from the darkness (Sabre) could listen in and hear what was going on. After Red's death, Orange goes back to the woods, talks to himself and falls asleep. He wakes up to find that Sabre has put a blanket and pillow on him and decides to wash them before returning them back to the woods.


*Orange's POV*

How have done this?

I'm staring at the now shrunken pillow case. The blanket didn't even shrink, it was just the pillow case. I washed them the same way. I compare the now small pillow case with the original pillow, questioning how in the name of Origin am I going to fit the pillow in the pillow case. I sigh and try to think of a way to fix this. 

Eventually, I get an idea. I run into the house (thankfully, I finished moving everything from my old house a while ago) and go to my chest of random things. 

"Yep, this'll work!"

*Smol Time Skip*

I finally made it back to the pond, the one I fell asleep at. I hope Sabre find the stuff I'm about to leave here, and I hope he isn't too mad at me for shrinking his pillow. I place down the basket and double check that everything is there. I have the blanket on top to hide the apple muffins I decided to bake as an apology and the pufferfish (because who doesn't like pufferfish). The small pillow also in there, I stuffed it with some fluffy wool, so it should now be extra soft. I also left a note there to explain everything:

Dear Sabre,

Thank you for lending me you blanket and pillow. I really needed it as I still really miss Red, but they helped! Also, I found out your name by reading it on your blanket. Also, please don't be mad but I may of accidentally shrunk your pillow case...

However, I have managed to sort of fix it, it's just your pillow may be smaller than you remember it. I have also left you some apple muffins and some pufferfish to munch on, hopefully your not allergic to apples or anything.

Either way, I just really wanted to say thank you!

Yours truly, Orange Steve!

I double check that the note has everything I wanted to say before returning back to the Rainbow Hub.

*Another Time Skip*

It's been a few days since I left the basket in the woods and I kinda wanted to check to see if Sabre has taken it yet. Strangely, while walking back to the pond, Gerald walked past me. Not sure what he was doing in the woods, maybe meeting family or something...

Either way, I finally make it to the pond only to find the basket still there. I'm a bit saddened by this and I'm about to turn and go back home before I realise the blanket on top is different, this blanket is mostly white rather than mostly dark green. 

I pull back the blanket to find a pie rather than muffins and some strange liquid in some glass bottles. The liquid looks a bit like water, but lighter and more shiny. I also realise there's a new note in here, my note was on orange paper while this one is on white paper. I pick it up and start reading it.

Hi Orange,

Thanks for the muffins, they tasted great and don't worry about the pillow, I have plenty of spares. Unfortunately, pufferfish are kinda poisonous to me, I thought they were also poisonous to steves but maybe not...

I did, however, manage to make some water breathing potions with them. So if you drink one you should be able to breathe underwater for a while, pretty self explanatory. I'm not too sure what you steves would need them for anymore, they're useful to have around.

I also left you a sweet berry pie, I had enough ingredients for two so I just decided to make you one as well. Hope you like it.

I'm also sorry about Red, you two seemed very close and I know you probably miss him. If it makes you feel better, I also miss a friend who was a red steve. Red actually reminded me of him. You also remind me of an old friend, but I wasn't as close to them as the red steve.

But thank you for the things, and for treating me like a friend.

Yours truly, Sabre

I smile as I read the note, before picking up the basket and returning back to the hub. I wonder who I remind him of, or who Red reminded him of. But for now I have more important things to attend to, like what to give Sabre next.


Sabre and Orange are basically pen pals for the first part of their friendship. Orange uses it as a place to be himself, without the pressures of having to find all the crystals. And also to gossip about how dumb Beemare is and how annoying Rainbow Red is.

They will eventually meet, but Sabre isn't quite ready for socialising yet.

Lyra, signing out!

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