Copper Star Festival - ExtinctAU

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This takes place after Notes but mostly talks about events from long before that.


*Orange's POV*

I'm walking back towards the pond to see if Sabre has taken the stuff I left for him. We usually leave some food and sometimes other things for each other, along with a letter (they stopped being notes a while ago) to talk about what's going on. Yesterday, I left him some sweet berries I had found and a pumpkin pie.

I like to think Sabre and I have become close friends, even though we've never properly met. Although, I still can't believe Gerald actually knows us both! Apparently, he used to live in Sabre's old village, but apparently said village doesn't exist anymore, something the darkness did. This does make me wonder how old Gerald is... Wait how old is Sabre?!

My thoughts get interrupted by the fact I have arrived at the pond. The basket sits ready and waiting as I walk over to it. The letter seems to be extra long this time, part of it is on the back. Whatever Sabre wrote about seems quite important to him. 

Heya Orange!

Today's actually a very important day, the Copper Star Festival. You probably have no idea what that is so let me explain. The Copper Star is a very ancient artifact, it was originally protected by all players but now it's just me. The story goes that it was entrusted to the players by Origin himself, but I'm not sure if I believe that. It's, well, star-shaped with a copper case around it that never ages and it's unbreakable. Makes me wonder if it's actually copper or something else, or maybe something's inside it.

Either way, each year, we had a festival to celebrate the artifact and how we got entrusted with it. Usually, festivities include giving presents to each other and baking special pies for the occasion. So, I made you three pies, a pumpkin and honey pie, sweet berry (I used some of your sweet berries) and cocoa bean pie and a melon and apple pie. If you end up really liking any of them and get give you the recipe for them. The last present is a beanie that I made. I hope you like it, and I hope it fits...

I still remember the last festival that I had with my village. We had invited some steves over as well, to participate in the festivities. Even Dream and Genesis showed up, although I think they were there to stop Dread from causing any trouble. Dread did actually show up but we all just started throwing coal at him to make him leave. I hit him square in the face, it was great!

But then me and Seer had to stop Gerald from throwing Colle at him. That pig might be small, but he can throw things quite far, so it probably wouldn't of been a good idea for Colle to be thrown by him...

I've just realised how much I rambled just now so I'll quickly finish up this letter. Hope you like your presents!

Until next time, Sabre.

Orange smiled at Sabre's strange ranting, I still don't know much about Sabre's past but at least he had good friends.

I take the blanket off of the basket, only to be punched in the face by wonderful smells. It seem the pies that Sabre had made me are very fresh. I also noticed a small hat in the corner and realised it was the beanie he made me. 

It was just plain orange, but I still liked it. Sometimes simple is the best. I put the beanie on my head and it was surprisingly comfortable. I smiled to myself before picking up the basket and thinking about what to gift Sabre back.


Festival time! Remember the Copper Star because it's important. Also, Orange is never taking off that beanie again.

Lyra, signing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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