♤Princess corpse♤

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"Here lies the memory of Princess Evie. A woman known to many but loved by few. ...."

As the priest speaks over Evie’s grave, my heart clenches so tight It feels ready to burst. The Robusto cigar is etched between my lips, the end burning away as I watch the closed casket. It is a small burial, only a few people who knew Evie in Ireland and other countries as her business partners attended.

The memories of the night of the incident two weeks ago, heavy in my heart as my mind forced me to recall the blinding pain I felt.

Shit. Evie....no...no. fuck....fuck...fuck.” I shout as I try to stop the bleeding, my tears already blinding my vision. More men come down as I put more bullets into them. Ari comes running into the cage, holding her steady as I hold the men off.

“She is losing a lot of blood Cara. We need to leave.” His words ring in my ears as I keep shooting, telling him to carry her while I cover us out through the back door. Anika has already made her way out of the building through the chaos. Bitch, I’ll have to find her soon.

Ari carries Evie through the door as we make haste to where we parked our vehicles. More men some for Evie and some for Vladislav or whoever I don’t fucking care, start shooting. My men order an ambulance and it comes to take her away.

The rest of the memory is foggy as I blink back to the time and space of the event.

Ari sits by me, a solemn look on his face as he zones out of the ceremony. In as much as I hate him for the situation, I’m subtly comfortable with the look of utter despair in his eyes. My thoughts haven’t been mine for the past two weeks. It has been going through possible scenarios, of how things could have played out that night. I hate myself for the sheer fact that I listened to that cunt. She convinced me to allow her handle things that night.

May her soul rest in the bosom of the Almighty Lord....” the priest ends.

I take that as my cue to stand up from my seat, walking towards the priest that stands by Evie’s casket. He gives me a curt nod which I don’t bother to acknowledge as I decide to say a few words. I clear my throat and look to her, my chest tightening at the sight.

“Everyone had their own version of who Evie was. And I know there are a few of you here who would say she deserved what she got for the life she lived.” There was a sniff from Bertha and I gave her a reassuring nod. “I won’t bore anyone with the details of her existence, she was too sacred to be disrespected in that sense. But I would like to share a version of Evie a lot of you didn’t know about.” My throat works as I swallow bile that rises to my throat. A menacing bitterness that has me wincing internally.

“Evie was a lover of Disney movies. She believed in fairy tale love stories. She loved to laugh and make others laugh. She was a good cook too. Damn she could make great Italian cuisines.” I smiled to myself with that memory lurking in my mind of the first time I tasted her cooking when we were friends back in high school.

I look to Ari’s seat and he is looking down at the grass, his body stiff. Even with the heaviness in my heart, I continue “The most important of all her traits was that she was observant and utterly selfless.” Ari looks up now, his eyes bloodshot from trying to hold in his tears. I look at the men stationed around the premises, giving them an instruction with my eyes. One of them comes to me with my machine gun.

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