Part - 15

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Jimin and Jungkook was talking as usual

Jungkook :- jiminaa

Jimin :- Haa

Jungkook :- today, you know our class boys were teasing jin's brother by calling him brother in law

Jungkook laughed while jimin got little angry + sad

Jimin :- it's not funny jungkook, if her brother tells this to her mother then it's all over

Jungkook stopped laughing

Jungkook :- umm... I'm sorry but don't hate Namjoon , he didn't say anything , it's all our classmates

Jimin was Frustrated and worried for jin, after reaching home she suddenly called jin

Jimin :- jin, can i tell you something?

Jin :- yeah

Jimin :- it's about Namjoon... Can i

Jin sounded scared now

Jin :- no, no mam told to not to look at textbook

Jimin understood someone is around her

Jimin :- but.

Jin :- No

Jimin :- im sorry but i want to say it

Jin was getting akward and trying to make it look like a casual talk because her mother was near, she tried to go out but her mother didn't allow and Jin was making it more akward by repeating "umm... Aaa.... Dhj... Hmm"

Jimin :- I'm sorry but Namjoon's classmates were calling your brother, brother in law, so be careful of him

Jimin said fastly and Jin hanged up the phone immediately

Jimin was now really scared about what happened, she started to regret saying that

*please reply*

Please comment your honest opinion whether should I continue this story or not

Im not sure for continuing this story because I'm not feeling supported for this story

And i have the whole story in my mind but if you guys didn't like this story, I'm stopping this and this is a enemies to lover trope , long story, so it may go more and more parts

Please comment your honest opinion whether should I continue this story or not

I will be waiting for the answer for 2 weeks

But other stories will continue as usual

The heart problem next part will be uploaded today at 7:00

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