The game begins

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Jimin decided to join for the post house captain cuz if she wins she might able to spend time with yoongi as they will be office bearers, jimin went to staff room to fill the form but she saw hobi already there

Jimin :- hey, why are you here?

Hobi :- since jungkook is going for the post head boy  I decided to go for the student editor post

Jimin :- ... Y... You are.... Going against... Yoongi

Hobi :- who the heck is yoongi?

*jimin started to try convincing hobi to not go against yoongi cuz if hobi wins, yoongi won't win and jimin can't spend time with him but hobi wasn't ready to back off  then jimin started election campaign , asking the students to vote for her

*last day of election filling IU came running to jimin

IU :- jiminaaa....

Jimina:- what

IU :- some senior called t-t hyng something like that had decided to participate against you

Jimin :- waeeee....

Hobi :- who the fuck is that, now?

Jimin :- yes, I already have one opponent and it's easy to win against that guy but a senior, it will be hard to win

Jin :- He is taehyung

Jimin :- taehyung? Who the fuck is that?

Jin :- you seriously don't know taehyung? You and him are in the same school for over  5 years now

Jimin :- really?

IU :- but you shouldn't get discouraged, I will also help you to get more vote

*jimin and her friends started asking others to vote for jimin

Jimin :- hey boy, please vote for me okay?

Boy :- No, I'm voting for taehyung

Jimin :- but you said you will vote for me when I asked 2 days ago

Boy :- but now taehyung have joined

Jimin :- who is that guy anyway

Boy :- you don't even know Kim taehyung?

Jimin :- no , why would I?

*jimin came back to her friends


Stay tuned!!

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