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Jimin POV

Nothing goes as I planned, I didn't even saw him after that, I felt sad and started moving on with my life

3 years passed I still didn't find him even corona started and finished still, I didn't find him but after the pandemic

One day i saw him and i decided not to panic and just look at him for confirmation and i confirmed it was him, I was happy

That day, I saw my first friend in this school again, it was jungkook, jungkook was also happy to see me "oh I thought you changed the school, I never saw you for 3 or 4 years, may be I didn't notice but still it was nice seeing you again" Jungkook said as he saw me, we were having a small conversation when suddenly an arm came on jungkook's shoulder and it was yoongi, I was trying hard not to blush or panic seeing his handsome face, jungkook then said bye to me and left with yoongi

I couldn't believe jungkook had an handsome friend like him and I was searching for jungkook's friend all these years, I felt stubborn, still happy though

I kept seeing yoongi that year and I had a one side crush on him and one more year passed but the next year, I think cha enwoo hit puberty and didn't looked like my celebrity crush anymore but he was still handsome more than that celebrity crush even though I didn't felt much feelings for him now

Stay tuned!!

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