Chapter 12

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The morning sun streamed through the windows, warming the guest room where you had spent the night. As you slowly stirred from your slumber, you noticed that Joel was no longer beside you in the bed. Curiosity tugging at you, you got up and dressed, the events of the previous day and night still fresh in your mind.

With a sense of anticipation, you made your way through the familiar hallways of the lake house, seeking the comforting presence of Joel. The scent of brewing coffee led you to the kitchen, and there he was, his back turned to you as he prepared breakfast.

Feeling a rush of affection and longing, you couldn't resist the urge to embrace him from behind. You wrapped your arms around his waist, intending to express your fondness. However, as you did, Joel unexpectedly hissed in pain, pushing you away. He turned with a sharp tone, his words biting.

"What the hell are you doing, huh?" Joel's voice held a cruel edge, and his gaze was sharp as he scolded you. "You don't just sneak up on people like that. Use your damn head."

The sudden change in his demeanor took you by surprise, and you were left reeling, tears welling up in your eyes. The harsh words hurt, and you couldn't comprehend why he was being so cruel. Without a word, you released your grip on him, your heart heavy with the pain of the unexpected attack.

Tears streamed down your cheeks as you turned to leave the kitchen. The world outside offered a temporary escape from the harshness of the moment. As you walked away, the weight of the argument weighed heavily on your heart, and you couldn't help but wonder how things had taken such a bitter turn between you and Joel.

As you ventured outside, the crisp morning air greeted you, its cool touch a stark contrast to the warmth that had turned to coldness within the house. You followed a meandering path that led you toward the serene lake, its surface glistening like a sheet of glass in the gentle morning light.

The beauty of the natural surroundings had often been a source of comfort during your time at the lake house, but today, the tranquility of the place seemed distant. Each step felt heavy, and your thoughts swirled with confusion and distress. You found a secluded spot by the lake's edge, where a gnarled tree stood sentinel, its roots sinking into the earth like a silent witness to the passage of time.

As you settled in the cool grass and stared out at the placid waters, your mind began to race, and the turmoil inside you intensified. The echoes of the argument with Joel reverberated in your thoughts, and you found it increasingly difficult to control your breathing. Panic welled up, and your chest tightened, making it hard to draw in a full breath.

Hyperventilating and overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, you clutched your chest and tried to steady your breath, though it proved challenging. The solitude of the lakeside seemed to offer little solace, and the tears that had been held back now flowed freely, mingling with the shimmering waters before you.

It was a moment of profound vulnerability and anguish, and you grappled with the emotional maelstrom that threatened to consume you.

The turmoil of the past hour had left you emotionally drained, but as you made your way back to the house, a sinking feeling of concern welled up within you. You hadn't expected to find Joel in such a state of agony.

There he lay on the floor, his face etched with pain and distress. You rushed to his side, kneeling down beside him, and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Joel, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Your voice trembled with worry as you assessed his condition.

He winced and groaned, his breathing strained. "Back... my back," he managed to say through clenched teeth.

Realization washed over you. The pain he was experiencing was undoubtedly excruciating. Guilt gnawed at you as you remembered the argument that had taken place earlier, the one that had prompted his outburst.

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