Fandoms United Ch2

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Well looks like I'm al-

Wait a second...


God bless you :D

So two comments two fandoms....lovely.

So first off... The Reichanbach feels

*crawls into shady corner with blanket and curls into a ball and cries*

Anybody wanna know my story of coming across Sherlock?? Yes? no? Yo? Cool. So...

(This occurred about a year ago??)

For weeks my best friend (I'll nickname her S) had been going on and on about Johnlock feels and I would constantly look at her like; dafuq is Johnlock? who the hell has locksmith feels?? -__- So she gave me both seasons of Sherlock and I decided I would watch it on my family week holiday to the beach. Let me just say, I barely left the cabin because I was so busy watching sherlock and understanding what S meant and crying and sobbing like a demented mess of feels on the floor and shipping JohnLock so hardcore (my OTP guys) and crying. I came home and didn't leave the Internet and researched everything, including the red pants (I was slightly horrified by some versions I found on tumblr, haven't you heard of innocence?) and then I saw S again and I was like "you ruined my f***ing life, I love you" and then.....I introduced her to Batman and she now has an unhealthy obsession with the Joker. So!

Fun fun times oh so jolly.

Anyway....a POTTERHEAD!!!

Bless you mate, bless you.

....and a hufflepuff. Did you know they are particularly good finders?

Speaking of particularly good finders.....


Like I'm gonna cry and I will admit to you that I haven't finished it all yet (exam time at school so I've had to pull myself away from YouTube and the Internet. Lol jokes who does that?) but it's just so exciting and ugh its great. Just simply amazing....then again there's Draco and Dora....Dorco? Drora? Meh it can never beat Drapple...

I was wondering if there were any Winchester brother fans out there....yes yes I'm talking supersexynatural. Dean ugh feels... Stahp it, it hurts.

Okay so guess what's coming up in like, uh, (1, 2...5....6...8) 8 days? Yes yes yes yes it's the Doctor Who new season *throws sonic in the air and screams in anticipation* Raaahhhh I'm so excited, there are literally now words to explain this. It's the most exciting thing ever...

Oh actually also concerning Doctor Who, I am f***ing p***ed off at a picture S sent me today. It's says, and I quote,

"Doctor Who bosses are lining up Matt Smith's exit for Christmas - when he will regenerate into the 12th Time Lord."







F*** you.

And it's been appearing all over the Internet yet it still to be confirmed yet I still want to cry or die or explode into a white dwarf whatever, I'm just p***ed off. It's my sci-fi trek...

Sci-fi. Trek.


Star. Trek.

Star Trek into darkness...

Oh Feels....

Anyway until next time....

Pretty please more comments so more topics....this is a little bit short. Just an itty lotty big bit short. Uh nevermind. Anyway, later Soldiers....

Back to my Cap America Fanfic

I mean, MATHS STUDYING, cause its clearly what I meant.


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