Chapter 5

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I can feel things. I have never felt emotions as complex as these before and I can identify them now. The past is still there, and the memories have come back, but I have shoved them into another box. I will deal with that but for now, I am simply enjoying thinking and feeling and creating.

I turned <P> back on again. I had said that originally <P> had shown me how to turn it off, but it was my parents.

I met Jada at the Platform and for the first time, I genuinely smiled. I loved her so much that it felt like my head was exploding again, but it was a good explosion, one that washed away all other things.

I gave her a hug and she seemed confused, but she accepted it.

"What are you doing?" Jada asked.

How could I explain this love for her? How could I show her that I wasn't an animal anymore? That my soul had found me?

Wait, she was my sister. That must've meant that what I had experienced, she could experience too! She could feel feelings and think thoughts! If I had been able to, surely she must be able too!

I grabbed Jada's hand and led her to the room. She had to know. I couldn't do this alone. I couldn't be the hero without her by my side.

I opened the door, my heart beating wildly. Jada followed behind me, silent and submissive. Her silence was contemplative and questioning but not hostile so I took that as a good sign.

I exhaled slowly and stepped in. Jada hesitantly followed me. I had told <P> to clean up my vomit, and the journal was hidden back in the drawer.

I looked at Jada. She was silent, taking it all in. Had she ever been in here? In this room? Was she aware of our past? Of what had happened in this room?

Her eyes were watering. I hugged her and this time she fully embraced me.

"It's all okay," I whispered, actually believing it for once.

"So you've finally awakened," Jada said, quietly. "Mom said it would take longer, but welcome back."

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