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When the show ended, Joana knew that the best part of the day would come, which was the Meet&Greet.

Joana went to the line where there were many fans for the photo session and autograph, she was very excited to finally meet the band as she always dreamed.

She just didn't imagine that meeting the band would be so incredible that she would never forget that moment, she would keep it in her heart forever

When it was her turn to take a photo with the Leto brothers she was very nervous, Shannon noticed this and hugged her and Jared did the same giving her a kiss on the face to calm her down.

Joana thanked both of them for the gesture and also thanked them for making her day better, she also said how important they were in her life and that they were her inspiration to continue living and most importantly they taught her to dream and not give up of your dreams no matter what.

Jared said that the band was also grateful for Joana's support and love for the band, Joana just felt happy to hear those words from Jared, Shannon also thanked her for everything, Joana was very emotional about everything.

When Joana was about to leave she felt someone touch her arm when she looked back, she saw Jared who told her to wait for him at the exit because he wanted to talk to her and Joana agreed.

When Jared said that Joana was excited to talk more with him because he is an inspiration for her, because without their music Joana could be a different person or could be dead and she never imagined she would go to the show and meet the band personal and take a walk with Jared to know each other better.

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