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A mild, temperate breeze infiltrated the cavernous bedroom, as the rhythmic sound of breathing reverberated across the room. I inhaled deeply, my mind clear for the first time in weeks. There, on the king-sized bed lay the porcelain doll, my son's pregnant spouse. Her pale, slender neck was bared to me, my hands itching to snap it in half. Tiptoeing to her side I ran my fingers, still hovering an inch over her skin, from her head to belly. My source of problem mere centimetres away.

It was all because of this wretched wench! Now Carter didn't even give me a time of his day, focused solely on his wife, Rebecca. I hadn't liked her before, nor did I fancy her now. In such short time she had already sunk her cursed claws into my son. Pretending to be the flawless daughter-in-law, though she had yet to reveal her true fangs.

My tolerance only went so far. I never wished to share Carter with anyone, let alone my husband. However out of nowhere, this girl had barged into our lives uninvited, taking him away mind, body, and soul. I seethed, thinking of her now, sleeping beside my son. My beautiful boy. Little did he know about his wife's true colours, of how she had wedged her way between us. Not that he would acknowledge it of course. I couldn't let that happen, I wouldn't. I was the only woman he needed.

I steeled myself, my eyes bright. Nothing would be out of place, come morning my son will realise that his lovely dove went to sleep, never to wake again. Hopefully I wouldn't require the dagger, which I now placed on the bedside table. I paused, watching my son lay peacefully for a moment. Strengthening my resolve I grabbed a blood-red pillow, and smothered her, Rebecca's body soon reacted as she struggled to push me off, her screams muffled. Then there were arms around me, trying to pull me off.

"Mom, what are you doing!" My son exclaimed, holding me in an iron grip.

I kept quiet, struggling to push the pillow down, trying to finish the job. I could feel her movements weakening, I was doing this for him, he would understand. Carter stood his ground, much to my chagrin, wrestling for control. He was gaining on me. Whispering 'Sorry,' I whirled around, my head connecting with his nose with a sickening crunch.

Taken aback at my own actions I almost paused, almost. Recovering, I wrapped my hands around her throat, squeezing. She wheezed, her arms clawing at me, her body seizing. Suddenly there was a hollow thud, followed by ringing in my ears as I watched myself fall to the side. My son dropped the knife, rushing to his trembling wife in front of my unseeing eyes.

I knew then, I had lost.  

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