Two Halves of a Whole

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Spring came with flying colors. The school year was coming to a close and it brought forth new feelings and experiences. The soccer season had kicked off and Karl had never been so busy in his life. He was juggling homework assignments and soccer practices that he had forgotten to take care of himself. Monster cans littered every spare surface of his room, some even toppling over onto the floor. Sapnap had noticed the mess gradually get worse over the course of the last few weeks and knew he had to make an intervention regarding his best friend's health.

Karl and Sapnap had just gotten back from a long soccer practice. Sapnap had nothing better to do in the evenings as the football season had ended so he always joined Karl at his practices, watching from the sidelines. Karl told Sapnap many times that he could just go home since the practices would last a while, but the truth was Sapnap loved sitting there watching Karl.
Seeing Karl on the field in the red soccer uniform the boys wore was what brought him back to every practice. He was mesmerized by Karl's physique, from his toned calves in high rise socks down to the sweat build up he received from the excessive exercise. Sapnap would gladly sit on the cold, hard bleachers for hours if it meant he could see Karl like this.

Karl had thrown his duffle bag on his floor and fell face first onto his bed. He was exhausted from today's practice as it was the last one before the game the following Tuesday. But, he knew he needed to get up and shower. He told Sapnap he'd be right back and went to the bathroom.

The silence was deafening besides the faint noise of the running water and it left Sapnap with hyperactive thoughts. The more Sapnap sat there and looked at Karl's room, the more he felt he was going insane. So, he did what any caring best friend would do and decided to help him out.

Sapnap started picking up the cans and throwing them into a trash bag he got from Karl's kitchen.
The bag was halfway full by the time he was done.

Sapnap moved onto picking up Karl's dirty clothes and throwing them in his hamper.
He had thought there was more to the mess of cans and laundry, but to his surprise there wasn't.

He looked upon Karl's room to see it completely spotless and he felt pride in doing a good deed for his best friend.

Karl's bedroom door opened and there was Karl in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

Both boys stared in shock as they were met with a surprise.

Sapnap couldn't take his eyes off Karl's slim torso that was slick with hot water from his shower. He thought he hadn't seen something so desirable until his eyes drifted to Karl's hair. Everything about it screamed perfection. The way his hair curled in the ends at the nape of his neck and behind his ears gave Sapnap dangerous tendencies of pulling that hair that was dripping onto his shoulders.
Shoulders Sapnap memorized every movement of when Karl was on the soccer field. Everything about Karl's state was just so alluring, Sapnap feared he was physically showing his excitement.

Karl on the other hand was on the verge of tears when he saw that his room was cleaned. The Monster cans that had been piling up had disappeared like magic and his clothes he left everywhere had all been put neatly in his hamper, ready to be washed. He had never felt so loved until that very moment, but he also felt guilty for even letting his mental and physical state get this far.

Without realizing, a tear fell down his cheek, snapping Sapnap out of his aroused state. He instantly ran to his friend and cupped his face in his hands. It was a little too intimate for a boy to hold his friend so gently, but loving touches were all Sapnap knew how to give.

With eyes full of tears, Karl looked into Sapnap's who showed feelings of confusion and love.

"You cleaned my room, you didn't have to do that." Karl spoke softly, his lip quivering. He was trying to keep the rest of his tears back, but they fell down his cheeks anyway.

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