Chapter 4

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Hey everyone, I'm gifting you two chapters as I keep forgetting to actually post chapters. I hope you like them, they haven't been proofread or grammar checked so if things look wrong or dont sound right then my apologise. Still I hope you like the chapters.

"BASSSSSYYYY!!!!" Exclaimed Grell, causing quite a few pedestrians to turn and look towards us with mixed looks of exasperation, annoyance and concern as to why the red head was screaming before grumbling and carrying on their way.

Me and Emily looked towards each other in confusion before watching Grell fling herself onto Sebastian hugging him tightly, mumbling through her tears. Whatever the red head was saying, me and Em couldn't make out. Sebastian moved Grell off him before looking at me then back to Grell with a 'I'll explain later expression'.

"Uhm how do the two of you know each other?" Em asked, looking between the two of them. Grell rubbed her eyes to clear her tears and looked towards us.

"Oh we... knew each other in college. We were in the same class together" Grell said, lying through her teeth.

"Yes I was house sharing with Grell as I did not live close enough to the college. We grew quite close to one another during our time together" Sebastian said, closing his eyes with a serene look to his face, blatantly lying through his teeth. From what I could tell from Sebastian's expression upon seeing Grell he looked a bit shocked and also horrified seeing the red head.

"Awww nice! You two will have to arrange to do something now that you're now living in the city again, Sebastian. Unless you two want to do something together now whilst me and Y/N carry on our investigation?" Emily said, coming to stand by my side.

Grell's face lit up hanging off Sebastian's arm looking towards the demon with a look of eagerness "Ooooo yes Sebastian lets go, there is quite a nice café not too far away we can go to"

Sebastian however was looking straight towards me almost with a pleading expression, even though it would have been amusing watching him suffer we still needed all the help in finding Hayley "Did you find anything out whilst you were investigating the other streets?" I asked him.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. I had spoken to a majority of the shopkeepers and enquired if they had seen Miss Emily's sister to which they said they had. They were closing shop and she had apparently thrown up all upon the shutters before stumbling across the road. They did say they saw her enter one of the streets you were investigating" His eyes seemed to catch on something "Is that a bag?" He asked, reminding me that I had found it within the trash.

I brought it from underneath my arm "That's her Prada bag!!. Mum got it for her birthday" Em exclaimed. I handed it over to her and she examined its contents. Taking out her sister's phone, it was turned off and the battery clearly had died. Em looked towards me looking very disheartened.

"Em don't lose hope. Grell said she saw them getting into a cab and thankfully took that video which shows the number plate. We will phone them up now and see if we can locate where he took her"

"He?" Asked Sebastian looking between the three of us wondering who this 'he' was.

Grell looked towards me and Sebastian "The guy in question is Y/N's ex boyfriend. I saw him walking after Hayley and her friends. It was a good thing I was out in that alleyway to take a video of them and the number plate of the cab they got into" Grell said, snuggling into Sebastian. From Grell's actions it was almost like she was trying to fish for praise from the demon for being there and for providing vital evidence.

Sebastian looked towards Grell with an annoyed look "Yes well done Grell '' he said with that serene look again trying to betray to Emily he didn't secretly hate the red heads guts.

Sinful Lovers (A Sebastian Michealis x Modern!Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now