First chapter of the new fanfic

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Hey guys, I know it's been like ages since I last updated. Very sorry about that, a lot of things had made me put off trying to do any writing but I have something for you. I believe I mentioned about doing a new version of the fanfic which I have written the first chapter for. Which you can read below. I hope you like what I have written so far and I'm hoping this is the last time I change this whole story layout. I will be getting rid of the second rerun of this fanfic to not confuse you.




The vibrations and the annoying ringtone from my phone woke me up for work, with a groan I turned off the alarm and slowly got up and out of the bed. Giving my body a stretch, my bones clicking with each movement as I leaned backwards stretching out my back. Picking up my work clothes as I made my way into the bathroom down the hall from my room. My clothes landed on the floor with a soft thud as I went to the bathroom and got dressed and ready for the day.

My whole body and mind felt groggy

"Really should have stopped whilst ahead" I said to myself as I pressed my fingers to my temple heading back into my bedroom grabbing my phone, its charger and my items for work. Before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. Whilst I made myself something to eat, I put my phone on charge and got myself a drink as well as some painkillers for my head. It was Peter from the crime unit's birthday , so we decided we would go to the nearest pub to the station. At some point we had managed to travel to the closest weatherspoons as the pub was getting overcrowded due to a football match. Too many shots and pitchers later we all stumbled out of the pub all too drunk to drive home resulting in many of us using the tube or taxis back home.

After eating my food, I grabbed my phone and my bag with my work essentials and headed out of the door for work. Only just realising I had no car causing another groan to come out of me before heading out onto the road. I lived in a tall three-storey building which is honestly too much to live in, but it was from an inheritance from my grandparents. It was in one of the fancier parts of London meaning no bus stops or underground stairways for me to use. I headed down the road towards where the main road was and where the main transport links were situated, when I heard a beep from a car horn. I took no notice at first as this was London, horns, sirens and beeps from bikes were commonplace. That was when I heard my name being shouted at me causing me to nearly drop my phone and have a heartattack. Turning around I saw Jack who worked in the crime unit along with Peter. He had gone to the party too but had to leave as his girlfriend needed him for something.

"Hey Y/N! Do you need a lift in?" He shouted from his window as he cruised alongside me.

"Yeah that would be great, thanks!" I reply walking to the car before climbing in and shutting the door after me. Jack took off up the road heading to the station.

"How's your head?" He asked as we drove past Regents park.

I swung my head to look at him, my head resting against the headrest " I feel like I look" I replied before looking out the window.

Jack chuckled softly "shoulda quiet whilst ahead, like me"

"Yeah well you had an excuse. I didn't" I said thinking that it was still odd he went at like 11pm when the night had only really just begun.

"Well you could have said you needed to be home for your pets?"

"Ughh yeah, perfect excuse" I say sarcastically "My pets are all taken care of and you know it. They have automatic everything and a flap to get into the garden"

After 20 minutes of silence we arrived at the station, pulling into the underground car park. My car as well as everyone elses was still there when I climbed out to check the vehicles before heading up to the building. After exiting the lift and entering my department I saw that Emily and the rest of the team were all sitting around either on desks , chairs or the floor around Peter's desk. The man in question was slumped over the desk with what looked to be like stationary equipment all over him. Y/F/N came over standing beside me watching the display.

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