Chapter 1

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It was a regular snowy night on copper-9, as per usual with the eternal snowstorm. N, V, and J were in the meeting room with a few other murder drones, discussing things with tessa on a video call through their TV. (Let's act like they can call on TV's okay)

"Okay, today you'll be going on a mission to kill around 50 workers per disassembly drone. I'll be putting you into duos, so I expect you guys to come home with 100 kills. If you get more than the needed amount, you'll get a reward!" - Tessa

"Well, who are we being paired with?" - V

"Well, that's what I was getting to. V, you'll be paired with (insert someone's name idk), and (blah blah blah blah 10 minutes later)... J! You'll be paired with N." - Tessa

"What- me?! With N? Pff- this has gotta be some joke!" - J

"Now, now, J. I know you don't have the... best relationship with N.. but! There's always room for improveme-" - Tessa

"No! He's so stupid, I bet he won't even get a single kill! Ugh, I swear! If I could ki-" - J

J cut herself off hearing N's sniffling, looking like he was holding back tears. This was not a good look for her, so she decided to shut up.

Timeskip to when they went on the mission, they were outside near the murder drone colony.

"God, I can't believe I got stuck with an idiot! What's wrong with me?! I-" - J

"J.. I'm right here." - N

"...right. well, uh- get to work! Stop lazing around!" - J

N went off to kill a family of workers nearby, which J had pointed to. N swiftly killed them, trying to impress J.

"Did I do it? Did I do it?? Did i-" - N

"Yea, yea! You did, moron bot. Now, c'mon, we need to get more than 100 kills." - J

"Yes ma'am!" - N

Timeskip to later, J and N had killed around 164 worker drones, with J killing 67 and N killing the rest. J was proud of N, which was unusual for her. She beat herself up for it, but she had to grin and bear it whilst talking to N.

"Great work, N. Maybe I'll have to get Tessa to promote you, eh?" - J

She was sarcastic, she didn't really want him to be promoted. To her, N was like the worst thing in her life, and yet, she still felt proud... but why?

"Does this mean you like me now??" - N

N said this in the sweetest voice, with an innocent smile. Which made her feel many things. She felt guilty, frustrated, and flustered all at the same time. She felt her face flush at the thought of N needing her to like him for some reason, and again, she beat herself up for it mentally.

"Uh- yea, sure- whatever." - J

J could barely sleep that night. All she thought was N and what he said. Why did he need her to like him? Why was her face so flushed? Is there something wrong with her? Why can't she just go back to hating him? The more she thought, the more her face heated up. She groaned and hid her face in the pillow.


Hiiii I hope you liked that. Again, this is my first attempt at writing a full-on fanfiction, so I hope you guys liked it :3 chapter 2 mayyyy come out tmrrw if I have time, no promises tho!!

"Just Co-workers" |♡| A Codegold/JxN AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now