Chapter 2

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J woke up annoyed to the sound of her alarm. She sighed and turned it off, then went to get ready for work. As she put on her uniform, she still couldn't stop thinking of N. At this point, she was close to beating herself up physically rather than mentally. She tried to ignore it, and she walked out of her dorm to head to her office.

Timeskip to an hour later, N came into J's office with a new badge.

"Didn't your mother teach you how to knock?" - J

"I don't have a mom! :D ..Well, unless you count tessa." - N

"...riiight. Well, mind telling me why you just barged in?" - J

"Oh! Well, I got some good news.. I'm your assistant now!" - N

J felt angry and flustered, causing her face to heat up from both conflicting emotions. On one hand, she hated the idea of being near him, let alone him being his assistant. On the other hand, she kind of liked the idea of him being her assistant.

"J... you good? Your face is looking a little uhhh-" - N

"Fine! It looks fine! But anyway, that- uh- great, N..!" - J

"...okayyy. well, tessa told me to stay with you and help with your work for a few hours!" - N

"...great." - J

They didn't get much work done. in fact, N and J just talked the entire time. They found out they both had a lot of similar interests.

J started to think that N maybe wasn't so bad after all... i mean, he did get his work done swiftly, and he's a good guy, so J started to question why she hated him in the first place.

"Sooo, what kinda games you play?" - N

"Oh! Well, I like little nightmares. Ever heard of it?" - J

"Oh, no I haven't! What's it abou-" - N

Suddenly, N's alarm went off.

"Oh, biscuits! You'll have to tell me about that game sometime soon, 'Kay?" - N

"W-Wait!- uhm-.. look, what if we- well- what if.. you came by my dorm sometime, and since little nightmares 3 is out, and it's multi-player... could we- yknow- i mean, if you wanna- i-i'm free on tuesda-" - J

"Yes! I'd love to!! ...I mean- y-yea, cool- that's sounds uhhh.. cool-" - N

J giggled at N's attempt to act cool, and then they both waved goodbye as N walked out of J's office.

J felt her heart beating faster at the thought of N coming over. It was like a dream come true. She decided she'd properly apologize for her past behavior as well soon.

"Just Co-workers" |♡| A Codegold/JxN AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now