Chapter 5.1

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2 part chapter yk it's gonna be long brothers

This will have some insults towards J, including words like wh___, so be cautious


Late at night, J awoke and couldn't close her eyes again. She decided that since she couldn't sleep, she'd cry all her tears out before work since she didn't want to feel like shit during it. She sobbed into her pillow, which was very out of character. She felt like a disappointment, like she needed to do better.

Meanwhile, N had stayed awake the entire night and couldn't sleep, so he decided to find something to do. When he walked past J's dorm, he heard quiet, muffled sobs. He was about to open the door, but he knew J would be mad again based on her reaction from Saturday morning. He gently knocked, alerting J.

"Go away, moron!" - J

She was about to yell again, but then something slid through her door. It was a torn piece of paper from some kind of diary, taped to a chocolate bar. It said, "I know you don't wanna talk, but here. I was planning to have this myself when I came over to your house later, but I think you need it more." with a little drawing of a dog and a flower. J grabbed it and read it, embarrassed. She couldn't help her temperature rise on her cheeks, but she still felt bad after a realization hit her. When she was drunk and apologized on Saturday, she never realized that N forgave her. Why did he forgive her? She was terrible to him and treated him like garbage. How could he be so kind after everything? She treated him so horribly, thinking he was tessa's favorite, and now he's just.. fine with it? She looked down at the light emitting from the door, seeing N's shadow slightly from the bottom. She knew what she had to do.

J opened the door with digital tear stained eyes, N was surprised and confused. J was too tired to say anything and hugged N. J was so exhausted mentally and emotionally. N hugged back for a few minutes and tried to let go, but she noticed J fell asleep. N quietly laughed to himself at how sleepy J has been lately, and he picked up J and put her back on her bed. He was still surprised at how light J was for such a strong girl

He let J sleep, and he went to nap on her couch till morning. Surprisingly, J overslept, giving N some time to make J breakfast. J had woken up and panicked at how she missed her alarm clock, till she remembered what happened the other day and groaned. He wanted to kill James. She heard a bang from the kitchen and went over to see N struggling to make hashbrowns.

"Oh, hey J! Hate to bother you, but I'm having a bit of trouble here.. You know I've never been the best cook, hahah..." - N

Normally, J would yell at N and scold him, but something in her programming told her not to, but instead just be somewhat playful.

"N, you dork!" - J

She laughed as she helped N clean the mess. And after that, they started to cook together. J taught N the basics of preparing food and stuff like that, and he actually got the hang of it. And then, after breakfast, they started to sit down on the couch and watch TV.

"Hey, we were supposed to play little nightmares 3 today, right?" - J

"Oh, biscuits! Right, let me get my Xbox from my roo-" - N

"N, you're good, I actually got an Xbox as an employee of the month. I think it came with a wealthy amount of savings in the e-store as well." - J

"Really?! That's so cool! But, you don't have to use your money, I can pay for i-" - N

"NOPE! Nuh uh, not letting you!" - J

N looked over to his wallet and rushed to grab it. afterward, he put $50 bucks in J's hand. She freaked out since it was more than enough, but N assured J that he had tons of money, too. J felt that feeling from before, where her heart started beating and her face became warm. She shook it off and groaned in defeat.

Later, they were playing, yelling, and laughing, causing a bit of noise, but not nearly enough for anyone to hear since they had moved to J's room, which was soundproof. They were having fun, and J was having a hard time keeping her face from being like a stove. After a few hours, they beat the game.

"Did we- did we actually do it??" - N

"Yes, yes we did, N!!" - J



She blushed harshly, realizing what she had just said. Before she could correct herself, there was a knock on J's door.

J went to go answer the door, still embarrassed. She got spooked when she realized it was James elliot, again.

"You peasant, you were supposed to be at work today! At this rate, I should just fire you!" - James

"I'm- I-.. S-Sorr-" - J

"Don't even. What were you trying to do aside from work anyway?!" - James

Meanwhile, N was sitting in J's room, looking around when he suddenly heard yelling from the door. He ran to look, and he saw J just standing there while she was being screamed at. He noticed how this is similar to how J berated him in the past and immediately felt his heart break for her. Her walked over and yelled at James

"Leave her alone, Mr. elliot!" - N

"... Oh. I see what's going on here. You're skipping work because of your boyfriend, aren't you?" - James

"N-NO! Mr., it's not like that at all! It's not-" - J

"You fucking whore." - James elliot

"You're nothing but scraps of metal and coding that will ALWAYS be thrown around by men. You are worthless and will never, ever see yourself being worth full to this universe." - James elliot

J felt a small, yellow tear drop in her visor, as her breath was shaky. N looked to J, and back to James elliot, who had scowled at the both of them whilst N had a face of anger. James noticed and gave J a mocking face, making sure N saw. N finally lost it and threw James elliot at the wall, his hands turning to the metal claws and his eyes changing to the ></X eyes. He ran to James elliot and pinned him to the wall by his neck, choking him harshly. J got worried and pulled N off James. N snapped back to reality and saw James telling both of them that they were suspended for a week before scurrying away.







Hey yall, so that was pretty silly, huh!!!/j

Anyways, chapter 5.2 will be out soon hopefully idfk

Word count: 1169

&quot;Just Co-workers&quot; |♡| A Codegold/JxN AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now