Chapter - 13

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Daniel strutted into the dinning hall with a smirk on his face as If he doesn't know what this dinner is even for.

"Greetings Mother, Father" He bowed down In front of the table still with a smirk on his face.

I could just feel the anger coursing through my Father's veins. The disrespect to walk Into a room and only say your greetings to two people. No matter who you are. 

"Daniel" Empress Kaila said with a serious face and tone.

She doesn't seem very happy to me. I wonder If she also caught onto how he didn't say his greetings to me, but especially Father.

"Yes, Mother" Daniel said while taking his seat. 

"Introduce yourself to our guest. Don't be disrespectful to our guests any more than you already have been". empress Kaila said with her arms crossed.

HA I could see his face straighten up once Empress Kaila checked him. 

"Greetings, Duke Iotus and Lady Collete"

He shot daggers at me while saying his greetings to me. Sadly Father didn't catch onto It and I don't want to say anything about It. It'll probably paint me In a bad light If I were to say 'Daniel I don't appreciate you shooting daggers at me'

Maybe maybe not but oh well. Too late to say anything now.

"Now this dinner is to address the situation that happened recently" Emperor Neil said.

This is the first time I've heard him speak. Not at all what I expected really. I expected more.. how do I say this- 

Squeaky voice.. His voice is really deep.

Emperor Neil resembles Daniel a bit except his features are a bit more sharp and he clearly takes care of himself. 

I wonder who the first prince resembles since Daniel resembles his Father.

"The recent situation?" Daniel said acting oblivious to what happened less than two weeks ago. It also was not something small to just completely forget about It.

"I don't understand.. Mother, Father.. Nothing happened recently" Daniel said with a nervous chuckle.

Does he really think he'll get out of this by.. lying.. This is going to be a very long dinner unless an emergency  just so happens to happen. 

*sigh* The Emperor and crossed his arms.

"Daniel, enough with the lying. We know what happened that day and the way you acted towards Lady Collete was completely unacceptable".

Daniel looked shocked at Emperor Neil's response. 

Does he have short term memory loss or something. Why is he acting like this never happened.

"Father, you have to understand I never Interacted with Lady Collete during my visit to the Holy Temple"

"preposterous" My Father whispered. oh no.

"Are you saying my daughter lied about what happened, Second Prince Daniel" Father completely bolded the words Second. I guess Daniel gets upset hearing how he's the second and not the first.

"A liar.. No no Duke Lotus. I'm just saying during my visit I never interacted with your daughter. So maybe there was a misunderstanding and she got me confused with some other guy"

"Right, Lady Collete?" Is this dude trying to intimidate me?

"Are you trying to Intimidate my daughter Second Prince Daniel?" Father sat up In his chair and said.

Daniel trying to intimidate me backfired so badly. Now it's him who's been intimidated. 


"Lady Collete, please do us a favor and explain what happened" Emperor Neil said with a soft tone.

"and you Daniel, don't interrupt her" Empress Kaila chimed In.

*After explaining what happened*

The Empress and Emperor look quite upset at Daniel. While Daniel looks very nervous.

"Daniel you do realize the Holy Temple does not belong to the Empire. They welcomed you Into their grounds and they didn't have to. It was very disrespectful of you to strut In there and harass one of the saints"

"but Mothe-"


Oh my.. Daniel did not seem to like that one. He went from being nervous to looking pissed now.

Father seems please though. 


"I swear this Is all just to get me ostracized from society" Daniel gritted his teeth and clenched his first.

Things are getting heated. I thought this would be a quiet and calm dinner, but It's quite the opposite. 

I don't really want to be In this room with all these noises. 

"May I excuse myself to the restroom please"

"You may go, Lady Collete".

Once given permission I quickly walked out the door and shut it behind me.

So I couldn't hear anymore of the chaos. Even the knights who stood at the door seemed bothered by all the shouting.

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