Chapter - 26

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I can't find any of Lu's tracks. She must've already ran off before It started raining.

I will not be cable of tracking down Lu In this forest. She's getting bigger but she still small enough to fit Into small spaces.

Maybe Jax can track her down. I hope the rain didn't cover her scent.


"Come on, Jax, pick up something.." I said as I motioned Jax around to pick up Lu's scent.

Just as I said that Jax pointed In a direction and ran off Into the forest.

"Jax, where are you going, Jax!!" I called out as Jax dashed through did the forest.

Did he pick up Lu's scent...

Well whatever It Is I don't want to lose Jax as well.

I jumped over logs, ran through puddles, and tripped over random things chasing after Jax.

"Jax, what are you doing" I said loss of air, but staring at Jax as he stopped at these berry bushes.

"Oh please don't tell me you ran off to find berry bushes, Jax" I walked over to Jax to go pick him up and take him back to the Duchy.

"Do you think Prince Daniel was responsible for the chaos at the festival?"

I heard a man's voice come from behind the berry bush and tip toed over to see who It was.

"Do I think It was my brother? Of course" A different man said.

Prince Daniel's brother? But doesn't he only have one brother and that's Claude Yttri..

That can't be him.. Isn't he sick.

He's wearing a white and gold cloak so I can't see his face, but..


What the heck Is he doing with Lu..

Wait.. He thinks the second prince had something to do with the festival.

"Investigate further.. If It's proven my brother was responsible for the festival then he absolutely cannot become the Emperor" The mysterious man said to the guy.

"Yes, my prince" The man said as he bowed and walked off out of the forest.

'My prince' But he Is sick.. or supposed to be.

"Girl come out the bush" The mysterious man said.

Is he talking to me.. How does he know..

"I can see you and I mean no harm to you" The man said.

Do I stay here or do I come out the bushes.


I came from the bush and looked at the man In the cloak.

"Who are you" I said to the man.

"You heard him and I right? I'm sure you have a clue".

"He's sick" I saw him less than a month ago. He couldn't even walk.

"Was sick... I was sick.. I haven't been sick In years, My lady" The man said as he pulled the cloak off revealing his platinum blonde hair and golden eyes.


"In years? But I saw you. Less than a month ago"

"A simple potion to appear to be sick.." The prince took off a bag that was attached to his shit and pulled out a tiny bottle with blue and purple liquid In the bottle.
(Just realized I said potion and proceeded to describe a 'powdered' substance.. and box.. how does a box fix In your pocket.. I'll just fix those)
"You fake being sick.."

"Yes, precisely"

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