Chapter 10

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Baji, who also noticed it started to widened his eyes and drop his groceries, ready to pull his friend from the road, or at least push him. But his body started to froze up and he can only shout to warn Kazutora.


Baji was so shocked, the incident felt like a flash. He didn't get to move to save his friend. He wants to, but his body cannot move at that time. The truck is already gone, driving away like nothing happened.nAnd there it is, Kazutora's body laid down on the empty road with bloods all over his body.

Without wasting any time, Baji quickly drop his groceries and went towards Kazutora real quick. He knelt down and panicked out since he never experienced this kind of situation. Well gladly that Baji thought on calling the ambulance. He didn't want to waste any time. Kazutora might die here due to losing so much blood.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, Baji put Kazutora's unconscious body on his lap and put his hand on the part where Kazutora bleed the most. That is all he can do, trying to stop the blood from losing too much.

Meanwhile with Chifuyu who's in the house, just sitting down in a living room waiting for both of them to come back. He may seem calm, but his heart felt suffocated. Something's not right. Something's bad is going to happen. But he's not sure what it is. He felt like that earlier, but couldn't help it.

35 minutes passed by, the clock refers to 9 pm, that means both of them went out from 8:20 pm or so, earlier. But there's no sign of them coming back. Suddenly, Chifuyu's phone rang and the name that is calling him right now is "Baji-san". He's confused, why did Baji wants to call him so sudden? But he's supposed that Baji will ask what does he wants for groceries.

Nothing bad happens as he thought and bothers him earlier right?

He picked up the phone and answer the call. As soon as he puts his ear on the screen, he heard Baji is catching his breath as if he got chased by something wild just now. As he just want to spoke up, Baji cut his line first.

"CHIFUYU! PLEASE COME HERE TO THE HOSPITAL! DON'T ASK QUESTIONS, I'LL ANSWER THEM LATER!" Chifuyu on the other hand, of course is shocked. Hospital? Why? Did something bad happens? Is this the uneasy feeling that he felt until this right moment?

Chifuyu shook his head and calm himself. He tried to think more rational and avoid misunderstanding. But he can't help on curious about this. He stand up and grab his car and house key and quickly went outside. He lock the door and put the house key inside his pocket. He unlock his car and start the engine, while still thinking about it of course. He started to drive away while the thoughts are still running in his mind.

Arrive at the hospital.

A black car parked to the nearest parking lot that is available on this busy hour around the hospital. The engine got turned off and the door opened quickly but carefully, revealing Chifuyu that is arrived after racing to the hospital 15 minutes straight. He closed the door and lock the car up using his key, putting it back on his pocket.

He then quickly ran off to the hospital and as soon as he's in, he look around wanting to search for Baji's presence but he's not around. Just when he wants to call Baji, suddenly a nurse went towards him. "Hello sir, I've seen you looking around panicked out, looking for someone? Maybe I can help you" Chifuyu look at the nurse and nod his head.

"Oh yes I need help. Is there a patient named Kazutora Hanemiya here?" The nurse look at the paper that she is holding right now and look for the name that Chifuyu just mentioned. "Oh there is! He just got registered about 30 minutes ago and he is in room 204, third floor." Chifuyu nod his head once again and thanking the nurse for helping him, opening his leg and making his way to the lift to go on a third floor.

As soon as he arrived on the third floor, he look around for room 204 and after about 5 minutes on walking, he saw Baji is now with an anxious face outside the room while sitting down. He quickly approached Baji and greet him. "Hey Baji san, I'm sorry for being late. I'm a little lost earlier." Baji look at Chifuyu and try his best on smiling, nodding his head.

Chifuyu of course who is curious on what happened, sat down beside Baji. "So.. what happened? I know that Kazutora is the one who got hurt since I received a call from you instead of him, what happened to him? He got a hidden chronic illness or something?" Baji shook his head and it got Chifuyu more curious. Baji open his mouth, ready to start telling on what just happened to Kazutora earlier.

After Baji told Chifuyu the whole incident..

"What!? Kazutora got hit by a car!?" Baji continue to nod his head while looking at the floor, unable to make an eye contact since earlier for being too nervous for his friend that is in examination in the room in front of him. Chifuyu who is also shocked with it, started to look the room in front of him.

"... Is this what my heart has been telling me?"

"My heart feels heavy since both of them left.. is this the incident that makes my heart heavy?"

"What if I told them earlier? Maybe these won't happen right?"

"But I didn't know this will happen as well.. it's unexpected."

"Why is my heart felt so, sad knowing Kazutora got into an accident? I don't care about him. Why? Weird."

Just when Chifuyu is on his own little thoughts, the door in front of them opened revealing a doctor that examined Kazutora earlier. Baji quickly go towards the doctor. "How is he doctor!? Is he alright!?" The doctor is looking at him and let out a sigh. "I'm very sorry, after we examined him, we found out that there's some injuries on his body and his face. He also got a broken arm. But overall there's nothing serious. But-"

Just when the doctor wants to continue her words, Baji cut it off quickly as he wants to see Kazutora's condition. "That's good, may I see him?? It's been a long time I've waited.." The doctor just look at Baji and let out a small sigh. "Yes, you may see him sir." Baji form a smile and say thank you towards the doctor, going inside to see Kazutora as soon as possible.

Chifuyu on the other hand, still sitting down while looking at Baji who was already inside. He went towards the doctor and thank her for her hardwork as well. The doctor form a smile and nod her head. "Of course. I will be going for a little while, I will come back." Chifuyu nod his head and the doctor started to walk off. Chifuyu went inside and close the door, going towards Baji as well. Just when he's almost near him..

"W-what do you mean by that Tora!?" Baji seems to widened his eyes as he look at Kazutora, who is all confused. Chifuyu who is also confused, go bear Baji. "Baji san? What's wrong? Why are you shocked?" Chifuyu look at Kazutora and raise an eyebrow. "Why is Baji san acting like this?" Kazutora look at Chifuyu and tilted his head to the right.

"Who are you? Are you his friend? Why are you two here? Why am I here?" Chifuyu widened his eyes in disbelief, Kazutora asking them these general questions as he's new to this world makes Chifuyu shocked. "Kazutora? What the- what's wrong with you?" Kazutora started to feel more confused about this current situation.

"Seriously, who are you two?"

[] To be continue []

Okay I'm sorry for not uploading a new chapter as I had lack of motivation about this story ugh. I'm also sick for straight 3 days so I can't write this story as well, so it came a little late than usual. I'm seriously so lazy on continuing this story and I don't know why..

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this and have a nice day. Don't forget to eat and drink, rest when you need as well. Bye bye and see you on a next chapter.

My Beautiful Friend [] Chifuyu x Kazutora [] !! DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now