Chapter 8

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Chifuyu let out a sigh and just walk together towards Baji's bedroom to take the mattress, pillow and plushie himself. Chifuyu's mind is confusing yet it's so good.

Chifuyu tried his best to get this kind of thinking towards Kazutora but he can't help it. No matter how much he despise Kazutora, he himself cannot stop thinking about him. He didn't want it but he wants it. It was confusing. He shake it off and just bring those things back to Kazutora's new room.

He walk back to the room and as he arrive, he open the door and saw Baji and Kazutora having a small random conversation. He rolled his eyes and started to speak up. "Here it is Baji san." Baji and Kazutora stop talking and look at Chifuyu at the same time.

"Oh great!" Baji respond with a big smile. Chifuyu didn't really care about it and put the mattress, pillow and plushie beside the door. Just when he wants to get out from the bedroom, Kazutora spoke up. "Thank you so much Chifuyu, I appreciate your help on bringing this to me" and bow down a little bit while smiling.

Chifuyu didn't respond back. Instead, he just nod his head and go out from there, leaving both of them behind. As soon as he approach his bedroom, he close the door quickly and went into the bathroom. He close the bathroom door again and lean against the door.

He can feel his heart beat faster as he recall on how soft Kazutora's tone is when he was thanking him earlier. He couldn't even forgot the way he smiled. But he still despise him in some way. His mind was in a mess to the point he mess with his hair with both of his hand and look at the mirror.

Chifuyu's state was in a mess that time, he is confused with himself more. But he tried to ignore it again and let out a small sigh. He went outside the bathroom and lay down on the bed. He stare at the ceiling with some random thought filling his mind.

"Why did I always think about him? Didn't I despise him and promise to myself that I will hate him forever?"

"Then.. why did I always think of him?"

"Ugh, this is so bothersome just to remind myself that I always think of him!"

He hate the fact that he always think of Kazutora, and scratch his head using one of his hand. But he knew deep down his heart, there is something unsettling in there.. and he absolutely want to get rid of it. He didn't want it to stay in there forever. It'll make him in a mess even more.

While Chifuyu is isolating himself for now, with Baji and Kazutora, still in Kazutora's room, chit chatting together. Baji somehow feel curious about something that he's been wondering for himself and ask Kazutora while he had a chance to do so.

"Yo Tora.. I've been wondering about something, can I ask you about it?" Kazutora look at Baji and nod his head. "Of course, what is it?" Baji look at Kazutora, hoping that the tiger boy answered his questions genuinely. "So.. I know you and Chifuyu had some hard relationship for now because of the past.. I want to know, what is your thought about Chifuyu exactly?"

He knew that his question is random, but he wants to know about it since Kazutora always look like he didn't bother about how Chifuyu treated him badly. Maybe in this way, he could actually know Kazutora's true feeling once in a while since he always keep it to himself.

Kazutora look surprised when Baji mentioned about it, and look at the floor. He knew that even if he lie, Baji will actually detect the lie and let out a small sigh. "Well.. actually, we don't really have that much of communication in the past which it seems so awkward, knowing that we live together for now."

Kazutora stopped in a middle of a sentences for a second and continue his words again. "But, I genuinely felt bad about what happened between us that time in the past and I'm really sorry for it. I want to be friends with him, actually. But I know he still didn't forgive me for what I did in the past and it's acceptable since I nearly got you killed. I know he admire you so much until now and yeah, my action explains a lot about his behavior towards me."

Baji is surprised on how well Kazutora describe those, he knew that usually Kazutora will have some little problems about talking out like this, but he is proud that his friend had no trouble on speaking up about it. Kazutora look at Baji with a confuse face and tilt his head to the left.

"So.. why do you ask me about this Baji? Anything wrong?" Baji flinch a bit when Kazutora ask him about it, and quickly shook his head. "Oh no no! I just want to know about it, ya know? Curious thought randomly coming into my mind, yeah?" Kazutora make an " :0 " face and nod his head.

Baji stood up and look at Kazutora. "So uh, I want to take a bath and if ya feel hungry, there's some cup of instant noodle inside the cabinet. Feel free to take it, see ya!" Baji form a smile and make his way to the door, getting out from Kazutora's room. Kazutora didn't even get to say anything, but he didn't mind.

As soon as Baji closed the door leaving Kazutora alone, he open up the mattress and put those pillow and plushie on top of the mattress. He left his blanket outside in the living room, but he'll grab it later. He lay down on the mattress staring at the empty ceiling, just like his eyes. Suddenly, negative thought started to consume his mind.

"Isn't it a bit troublesome when they need to lend me this room? I can just sleep on the couch until I get a new house, or something."

"Am I a burden? I didn't even do anything around this house."

"Chifuyu is still despise towards me, should I just run away? Maybe. I can try. It feels awkward whenever he's around especially if I'm alone."

"Baji.. why do you even let me stay in this house when you know well that Chifuyu hates me because of my action towards you?"

He thought deeply about it, and didn't even seem to care about it. He feel like he should do something that is helpful around the house, but he didn't know what to do actually. He felt worthless. But he won't give up on finding a way to help Baji and Chifuyu around. He maybe will work tomorrow as well. So he's glad that he'll be useful in no time.

Time pass by, a bit noises coming from outside, signing that it's maybe either Baji, Chifuyu or both of them outside. He didn't have the energy to socialize towards both of them for now, so he decided to just isolate himself inside the room.

He just hope that Chifuyu won't say that he's lazy and not helping them, he's just exhausted mentally and needs to rest for now. It'll be troublesome if he's outside but exhausted. He decided to just lay down and let his thought dominate him inside his mind.

{} To be continue {}

Hello my fellow reader, I'm really sorry for making this story in hiatus for almost a month, or maybe more. Recently I was loaded with some projects and needs to settle it down quickly, so I was pretty busy these weeks. But I'll try my best to update as fast as I can. I really hope that all of you will have a great day and always be happy. That's all from me, thank you for reading and see you in next chapter.

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