Licking the honey

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The majority don't live. They don't lick the honey. They simply exist. They are bodies meandering through the practical joke called life, waiting for something to happen. They know that life is pointless and meaningless, yet they have no internal faculties to put a sweet end to it with a noose or a bullet.

Yet, I think its a mistake to call the people who commit suicide "strong", and describing them as having "strength and energy". I, personally, view the matter from a completely different lens. Those people are not strong. They are not weak, either. They are troubled. Sure, life is pointless. Sure, life is one huge practical joke that God plays on us. We are all God's "sadistic pranks". But those who choose to lick the honey, and even those who choose to wander through life aimlessly looking for an answer or waiting for something are the strong ones because they did not give in to the practical joke. Those who commit suicide have given in to the joke. They don't have the strength anymore to wait around for something to happen to them because they don't see that anything will. They don't have the energy to lick the honey anymore, for they don't see anymore honey available. Yet, this absences come from their skewed perception of the world. The honey is still there. Something still might come that is worth waiting for. But their mind and their mental illness prevent them from seeing any further than the belt hanging in their closet or the bottle of pills standing in the cupboard waiting to be devoured.

Life is a gift given to us by God. Some people cherish the gift, some people pretend to enjoy the gift yet never take full advantage of it, some people hate the gift with fervent passion but are too afraid to throw it out, and some people are driven to the point of such madness and loss of rationale that they toss the gift straight in the garbage. But despite everything, life is our greatest gift and should be viewed as such.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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