Chapter 215: The Idea of Heading to Solan City, The Beast Out of the Cage

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


When Onyx entered the Lord’s mansion, the guardian mummies moved wooden boxes filled with gunpowder to the warehouse.

He looked at the boxes of alchemy gunpowder that emitted strong mana fluctuations.

His face showed some emotion.

Who would have thought that a small force with only a few dozen units two months ago would grow to such a level?

He could only describe what he saw and heard in Twilight City in one word– exaggerated.

Such a growth rate was simply unheard of.

He would not imagine how much Twilight City would develop in a year or two.

He felt like he had witnessed history in a daze.

Perhaps, one day in the future.

This unremarkable territory would become an existence one could not ignore in the desert.

Furthermore, Onyx had a strange feeling that his premonition might come true.

After he took a few deep breaths, he forcefully suppressed his inner thoughts.

He took a few steps forward, bowed, and sighed.

“Lord Richard, I didn’t expect the Twilight City’s troop to be so sharp. Congratulations! You’ve gained a lot this time.”

He didn’t have much reaction to these supplies… He can see anything in the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce.

In comparison, the mysterious operation of the two residents that had become hero units in the blink of an eye attracted him more.

Richard said a few words of courtesy, and then he seemed to have thought of something.

“Onyx, does the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce have high-quality wine recipes for sale?”

Onyx was stunned for a moment. Then, he said with a strange expression.

“You may not know, but fine wine has always been a high-profit product.

“There’s no one willing to sell good wine recipes. Even if some were willing to sell, the price would be ridiculously high.

“The wine recipes on the market are all low-quality wines with no value …”

Richard immediately gave up on the idea of buying the recipe.

He had also looked for wine recipes in the trading market on the forum, but they were all ordinary wine recipes with no unique characteristics. Most of them were not suitable for the desert. The desert has a few production materials.

It would be fine in an area with rich land. But the desert was too barren with prodigious tight production.

That was why he was so keen on cultivating his heroes. Only with the ability to research and develop could he adapt to local conditions and create products exclusive to Twilight City.

The yellow sand robe was the best example.

Onyx looked at Richard, who was deep in thought. Onyx finally asked the question that had just bewildered him after a wisp of hesitation.

“Lord Richard, I just saw two ordinary citizens advance into heroes…”

Richard sensed that Onyx tried to be careful. It was as if Onyx was afraid of offending his gaze. Richard smiled.

[201-400] LORD OF THE WORLD: I BECOME THE LORD OF THE DESERT FROM THE STARTWhere stories live. Discover now