Chapter 270: Dark Crystal

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[Is this an instance dungeon? F*ck! This land is poisonous. A virus seemed to have infected half of the scouts I sent out and turned them into disgusting monsters!]

[Hahaha! Four human territories surround me. It is so cool! When I take over their city and turn everyone into undead, this area will be the starting point of the undead disaster!]

[Where are the monsters? My condor is already hungry and thirsty!]

The players were very excited while Richard thought about how to deal with the dungeon.

All excitedly waited for the arrival of the monster.

Some even thought of ways to attack other lords.

Just when everyone was excited about this dungeon world, dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky like a wave in the ocean.

The wind blew, and the clouds surged.

A powerful and evil aura rose from the ground.

The black earth began to roll like boiling water.

‘Boom! Boom!’

The ground shook.

The surrounding space began to twist.

When it reached a limit.


A spatial rift would appear every other two hundred meters.


‘Roar! Roar! Roar!’ A creepy growl came out of it. One by one, pitch-black monsters with twisted faces crossed the space and appeared on the black land.

These monsters were in squadrons. And they formed a gathering point every two hundred meters.

The system didn’t distribute these monsters. The closer they were to the players’ territory, the fewer they were. The closer they were to the center, the more they were.

The smallest had a company, while the largest had more than five companies.

Countless monster-gathering points appeared on the black ground.

After the spatial fluctuation disappeared.

A pile of black crystals that emitted dense mana fluctuations appeared where the spatial rift had initially appeared.

It was an unknown resource.

Those dark-skinned monsters looked around with fierce eyes and firmly guarded the pile of black crystals behind them.

The sudden change in situation enlivened Richard’s spirit.

He turned to look at the hero beside him and immediately gave the order.

“Gray, Gaunt, and Xina guard the city walls.”

“Alves, bring all the skeleton blood dragons and follow me!” He ordered.

The heroes immediately supervened after Richard gave the order.

Richard mounted on Alves’s back and flew away with the 30 skeleton blood dragons.

After they passed through the sand, the first team of black monsters that guarded the black crystals appeared in front of them.

These monsters walked upright and were about three meters tall. They had claws as sharp as daggers on their limbs.

There were four sharp sword-like barbs on its back, and its tail whizzed like a steel whip. Its terror-stricken posture would tell others that it was unquestionably not a decoration.

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