Chapter 343: The World is Changing, Will There Still Be a Savior?

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Richard pondered and called for Karu not long after Brown left.

He had to watch out for something as important as fully developing the wine-making project.

He couldn’t put his energy into this, and he still had to let the administrative power of Twilight City take up the responsibility.

It had always been the case for Twilight City.

He was in charge of setting the general direction, while administrative staff like Butler Karu were in the specific implementation.

Richard solemnly advised after he explained the arrangements for the white-tailed cat race in detail,

“The white-tailed cat race will become an important force for us to earn resources. We must treat this seriously.”

He gestured for the other party to look at the jar of Whitetail Wine placed on the long table as soon as he finished speaking.

It is a wine unique to the white-tailed cat race, and its quality is as high as 4-stars.

Each weighed more than a hundred kilograms. And they obtained a total of 50 jars.

He had been in a hurry before and hadn’t had the time to taste it.

Richard deeply thought, then stood up and poured himself and Karu a glass of wine with the tools the maid had prepared.

Butler Karu received it with both hands. His face flushed with excitement.

What kind of glory was a lord personally to pour over a wine?

He was the first one in the vast Twilight City.

A strong sense of glory welled up in his heart.

Then, he slowly drank the wine in the cup. It was like he was on a pilgrimage.

Richard chuckled. Karu’s achievements were worthy of this glass of wine.

He picked up the transparent wine glass and probed.

The Whitetail ultimate brew was not turbid at all. It was clear and glimmered like the stars in the sky.

It was full of charm.

It was a mark of visual impact.

He placed it near his nose and sniffed it lightly. A unique and rich fragrance assailed his nose.

It wasn’t as acrid as ordinary alcohol but had a supremely captivating fragrance. It was like one stood under a tree by the lake in a hot summer, and the cool breeze brushed past one’s face.

His entire body relaxed.

It was a mark of sensual smell.

He placed it by his mouth and took a sip.

The wine entered his mouth.

An indescribable, luring taste bloomed in his taste buds.

Not only was it not as acrid as other spirits, but it also gave people a refreshed and wonderful feeling. It was like they floated with the breeze.

It was a mark of enticing taste.

‘Gulp!’ The mark of joyous swallow.

Warm energy flowed from his stomach to his limbs.

His fatigue began to recover quickly, and he was full of energy.

Richard’s eyes opened after a long while.

The marks amazed him as he gazed at the cup’s content.

The best wine was indeed the best wine.

This taste, this fragrance, this feeling of drinking it… Absolutely!

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