Fixing Us | One

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A day before Thanksgiving and I'm out and about at the local mall. I'm with my friends Maja and Aspen, doing our girl thing-which is shopping. We didn't have anything to do this Sunday morning, and we decided to just waste our time, and most definitely our slipping away pocket money, going shopping and other girly things we were engrossed to do.

"Hey, we should really get our manicure and pedicure done today since Thanksgiving is tomorrow," Aspen stated from beside me, her hands gripping three bags of newly shopped things. Out of the three of us, Aspen was ranked first in being girly and rich. Hence, her mindless shopping merely an hour ago.

My eyebrows furrowed together. I've been spending Thanksgiving for like the twenty years of my life, and I've never made a huge deal about my appearance during the said day. I mean, the day was supposed to be Turkey Day, not getting all dolled up-or so, I think.

Maja grinned up to Aspen, clearly dismissing my contorted facial expression. Out of the two of us, she's ranked next to Aspen for being girly. And if you haven't noticed, she's in love with pedicure and manicure. That concludes her maroon colored nails and that ridiculous big smile on her face.

"Sure thing, A. I definitely would want to have my mani and pedi done," she approved and grabbed my hands, dragging me towards the parlor across from us with Aspen following behind. If you haven't noticed, Maja and I are best friends, therefore she knew how I feel about dolling myself up. And that followed how I doubted about having my manicure and pedicure done.

A couple of minutes later and we were seated at our own comfortable chairs as the nail artists began doing their job as workers in Agnes' Hair and Nail Salon. Two minutes in the parlor and I still couldn't comprehend the need of dolling myself up too much even though it's just Thanksgiving.

But then again, these two good friends of mine are hella girly than I could ever be, and I just couldn't compete, even if I try my hardest. They are just like, in born to be this overly girly while I lack of it a whole lot.

"So, my mom just texted me and informed me that we're all heading to Isa's house for Thanksgiving, and I'm just super excited," Aspen gushed as she placed her iPhone back to its rightful place-in her pink purse.

Oh right! Since Thanksgiving is like, an annual thing, my mother's best friends (Aspen and Maja's parents), decided that it would be nice taking turns in celebrating the said event to each other's houses. And just last year, still it was Thanksgiving, they concluded to have the gathering at our house.

"Absolutely! I couldn't agree more of you, A!" Maja agreed to which raised a red flag question in my brain.

"I don't follow. What is there to be excited about, you guys?" I questioned my girly friends; my eyebrows furrowed together. I mean, I get that we're having the gathering at our house, but I cannot comprehend of which was exciting about it. It's not as if it was going to be the first time for them to come by my house for a gathering. For what is worth, these two girls basically live and breathe in my house.

To my question, Maja and Aspen made this ridiculous eye-contact to which I basically concluded that they were talking telepathically. I mean yeah, telepathy is like... something that I don't believe in, but with their outlandish eye-contact waved a red flag in the back of my mind. I just absolutely believe that there's something that they haven't talked to me about.

My left eyebrow rose in silent question as they sat straight and basically stared at each other for like a minute. "Hello, girls," I snapped my fingers together near their faces. "Am I even talking to anyone of you or are you guys magically turned into vegetative state while sitting and staring at each other like a deer caught in the red light?" I asked.

Fixing Us (A Justin Bieber Fanfiction | #JustWriteIt)Where stories live. Discover now