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Fuck. I'm really starting to get lightheaded. I honestly thought the walk up both stairs to his bedroom wouldn't take that long, but Lorenzo is taking his sweet time walking up, and my head's starting to lighten up.

Once he reaches his room, he gently puts me down on the floor and immediately pushes me against the door to shut it close.

Our chests are heaving and his eyes are swirling with emotion. I can practically taste the sexual tension radiating off of both of us.

Chest to chest, he grabs both my arms and circles his hand around my wrists and hikes them up above my head before smashing his lips to mine.

We move against each other synchronously and he uses his free hand to wrap around my back and press even harder into me- hard enough that I can feel his quite hard erection pulsating near my stomach. I gasp and he takes that time to move his lips downward towards my neck.

He trails kiss after kiss down my jawline, to my neck, and down to my collarbones to find that sweet spot.

"Oh Enzo..." I moan as he finds it in record time.

"Yeah? You like that?"

Passion-filled moans leave my mouth as he leaves purple littered bruises everywhere on my neck. He works his way up to my mouth and traps me with another lustful kiss.

He drops my hands above my head and grips the underside of my thighs and picks me up- my legs instantly wrapping around his torso.

He walks to a different section of the room and sits me down on a cool surface to trap me in yet another breathtaking kiss.

We're only there for seconds before he picks me up again and drops me onto the bed with a thud, staring down at me like I'm the prey he's finally caught.

He climbs on top of me and rests his legs on either side of my body.

Trailing his hands up my torso, he finds my bra and plays with the strap, lifting it and lightly letting it snap back to my skin.

"Can I take this off, baby?"

My head slowly nods and I feel him reach around my back and unclip my bra and pull my straps down my arms, leaving my chest completely exposed to him.

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable at all. Understand?"

His eyes are swirling with emotion as they search through mine. I nod with apprehension, nervous for tonight.

He lifts himself off of me and heads toward his closet with the bra and I almost call out his name when he's gone for a good 45 seconds, but he walks back into the room, hands full of foreign objects. Lorenzo drops them all on the floor before picking up a singular item- rope.

I shoot my eyes back up to his, disbelief written all over my features.

"I never break my promise, darling," he states as he makes his way to the left side of the bed and skillfully ties both my hands right above my head.

He pulls the knot over what I'm assuming is a hook because once he lets go of the rope, my arms are locked tightly above my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24 ⏰

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