-• Chapter 4 •-

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~* Shadow's Pov *~

'I can't sit here any longer..' I thought and crawled out of bed, putting my shoes and socks on, then leaving my room.

"Hey hun! Where ya going?" Rouge asked, she was laying on the couch watching a movie I was all to familiar with, Mean girls.

"A run." I grunted as I walked out the door, making sure not to slam it or else I would've had a annoyed Rouge chasing me out.

This sounds a bit psycho, but I was going crazy anyway with all this pent up frustration and just needing to be with that faker.

I decided to show up to Ms. Vanilla's house, as I was invited anyway, but gatherings aren't my thing.

But being away from Sonic any longer might have resulted in me clawing my eyes out.

I sped to the house, peering in the window and they were sat around a table, everyone looked to be laughing at faker's idiotic antics. I knew I wouldn't be seen, as my quills are literally black- except from my red streaks -and it was dark outside.

As Sonic moved closer to the window, the smell wafted over to me.

'Fuck I need to go, this wasn't a sane idea. I won't be able to control myself..' I thought, slightly stumbling back. I hadn't been paying attention, until I heard Sonic's booming voice announcing they he was leaving. The only option was to Chaos Control away, and I prayed to the gods that he hadn't seen it.

~* Sonic's Pov *~

"Bye guys! Thanks for having us!" I said as I opened the door, Tails trailing behind me.
As we went to walk outside, I saw a glimpse of a green flash.

Was that Chaos Control? Shadow? What was he doing here? Was he.. spying?

Tails shook me, I slightly jumped then chuckled.

"C'mon I'm tired." Tails yawned and I picked him up, speeding back off to our house.

I put him in his bed, then left again. I was planning to properly talk to Shadow, because one minute we're rivals, then the next he is saying he.. wants me?

I mean, I'm not arguing because earlier was just.. something else.

But I needed to know his intentions, because when had Shadow ever wanted to be involved with me? Gods, I had been trying  forever to befriend him, but I guess he wants to skip that part and just.. I don't know!

I knew he lived with Rouge, not sure where, but when I thought about it, if they worked for G.U.N wouldn't they supply them a house?

I then thought about how G.U.N and I didn't get along, so I wouldn't get any information from them, but my good friend Knuckles surely would know where Rouge would live!

Finally, after prying out details from Knucklehead, I dashed over to what hopefully was their apartment complex, knocked, and to my relief Rouge answered!

Gaia, if I wasn't a hero, I could be a detective!

"Oh, Blue! What are you doing here?" Rouge raised an eyebrow, questioning my knowledge of her home.

"I kind of need to speak to Shadow, and um.. I don't have his number or anything and I wanted to speak to him tonight," I balanced on the balls of my feet, a little nervous under Rouge's gaze. She was intimidating and I won't lie about that.

"Oh~ Shadow, huh?" A smirk crept onto her face, that wasn't good.

"Should be in his room, last door on the right, down the hall, Blue." She welcomed me in, as I awkwardly walked through the apartment, and Chaos it was huge.

"I must say, I like your pyjamas," I commented, walking backwards to Shadow's room. She was wearing a matching pink silk set, and also fluffy slippers!

"Oh, don't flatter me!" Rouge winked and chuckled, as she went to what I assumed to be was the living room.

~* 3rd Person *~

"Go away Rouge, I-I'm doing s-something!" Shadow stuttered, his arm moving up and down, his body jerking.

"Not Rouge here," Sonic spoke from the other side of the door, Shadow's eyes widened and he quickly hid some lotion and put a pair of pants on, like that would cover his...

'Could he have came at a worst time?!' The dark hedgehog internally growled, he was in no state to deal with the smell of his rival.

Shadow opened the door, flustered and his breath was heavy.

"Come in, and keep your voice down. Rouge is nosy," The ebony hedgehog emphasised the last word loudly so his roommate would hear, and she did.

"Hey!" Her voice yelled, and with that Shadow rolled his eyes while Sonic chuckled as he walked into the room.

It was quite.. plain. There was a bed in the middle of the room, a beside table, a wardrobe and a set of drawers with a tv on it. It certainly didn't compare to the blue blur's eccentric room.

"First, why were you outside of Ms. Vanilla's earlier? I saw you Chaos control away," Sonic lowered his voice, like Shadow said to do.

"Shit.. I.. ugh, I don't know," Shadow sighed and covered his face with his hands, embarrassed that he let his compulsive thoughts get the better of him.

The cobalt hedgehog sat down on the end of Shadow's bed, while he stayed standing just in front of him. This is when Sonic noticed that his counterpart was wearing sweat pants? His brows furrowed for a split second, because males never really wore pants. Then his eyes widened when he saw the obvious bulge near his crotch.

Did he just walk in on him...?

"Uh.. okay. Second, we need to talk about you just walking into my house and kissing me!" The blue hero flailed his arms, with a blush appearing on his face at the thought of what Shadow was doing on this bed just moments ago.. 'Snap out of it!'

"I.. I can't stay away from you! Fuck, Sonic, what is with your scent? It's messing with me in ways you don't want to know! Like, fuck, it's you we're talking about here!" The dark hedgehog couldn't keep it in any longer, the words rolled off his tongue before he could think about it.

The pair sat in semi-awkward silence for a moment, giving Sonic time to process what Shadow had just said.

"My scent?" The blue hedgehog raised an eyebrow and he sniffed his arms in confusion, and then it clicked. Could Shadow somehow smell it?

"Yes.. it's unbearable to be around you without just.." Shadow shook his head before he could say anything more to embarrass even more in front of the other hog.

"I see.. so, um.. I'll come back to you on this!" Sonic hopped up from where he was sitting and made his way to the door, "Apologises for interrupting you, Shads, I would love to help with that-" Sonic's eyes redirected to his rival's crotch, a smug look on his face, "- but I've gotta shoot! See ya later!" Shadow, who was utterly embarrassed, completely turned on by Sonic, but also wanting to beat his ass, left towards him.

"YOUR ASS IS MINE, FAKER!" Shadow hollered as Sonic sped out of the apartment, but before he closed the door-

"Not yet! Bye, Rouge!" Sonic called out to the bat and winked at a furious Shadow.

"Bye, hon!" Rouge called back, chuckling at the duo as she lay on the sofa.

And with that, Shadow attempted to chase after Sonic out the door, but he would never catch up without his skates.

Sonic instead took the stairs down, his laugh echoing throughout the stair well as Shadow cursed him.

The blue hedgehog should really write a book on how to rile up Shadow T. Hedgehog.

Votes & comments!🥰🫶

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