Chapter 5

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No one's POV:

It's been a good month since Y/N arrived, and she still hasn't gotten fully used to her surroundings.

She's seen a red exit door in the corner of her eye, but when she turned to look at it, it was gone.

Is she slowly losing it?

By now, she's been pondering about how her relationship to her family and friends was, and if she could find a way to see them again one day.

Y/N's POV:

I was in my room, sitting at my vanity zoning out, thinking and just staring at my reflection.

I placed a hand on my cheek.

Was that an exit door.. or am I seeing things? No.. it wasn't there when I turned around. It can't be real.. right?

I mean, sure.. hallucinations aren't that common.. but it doesn't mean that I'm losing it.. right?

Of course not! I'm perfectly sane. Just a bit.. fixated.. on something that doesn't exist..

(Yeah, I see you. You fixated on TADC 👀)

I sighed and laid my head on the vanity.

This is hopeless..

Maybe I am going crazy..?

Who knows.. I don't.

I mean, who could blame me? All I still remember is that I was somehow happy before I came here.

I felt a pain shoot through my body.. similar to.. a small electric shock? I'm not sure.. but it made me flinch in pain.

I shrugged it off and decided to draw something, so I got out some drawing supplies.

(Sorry if you don't like drawing, sketching, or painting..)

I started drawing a few days back and was surprised that I was actually pretty good at it.

Jax's POV:

It's been about a month since Y/N arrived, and for about the past 2 weeks, she's been acting strange. Suddenly turning in some direction and just staring into the distance.

If I didn't know any better, I would say she's kind of acting like pomni.. or she is just having 'digital hallucinations' like caine likes to call them.

I was walking down the hall where the rooms were located.

I was minding my own business since there wasn't really anything to do or people to annoy until I heard a quiet and muffled laugh.. and I don't mean the cheery and happy kind. It seemed.. confused.. maybe a bit.. insane? I couldn't really place a finger on it.

I raised a brow and headed towards the source of the laughter.

It came from Y/N's room.

Now I was getting a bit concerned, I mean, I would never show or admit it, but..

My thoughts were cut off by a door opening.

I looked in that direction and saw that it was gangle.

"J- jax? What are you doing-" I cut her off.

"Mind your own damn business crybaby" before I grabbed her comedy mask and broke it.

I threw the broken mask on the floor and walked away.



Not some NPC ~ Jax x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now