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He stood in front of the bathroom mirror, examining his bloodshot eyes. Rather than self-loathing, he resolved to win over his favorite person.

   Luka emerged from the bathroom, determined to face whatever lay ahead. He had made a conscious decision not to dwell on things beyond his control. Though he desperately wished for Nobita not to leave him years ago and for their shared memories to be remembered by both individuals, he knew he had no say.

 These days, he found himself crying often, but he didn't see it as a sign of weakness. Unlike many male Earthlings, Luka didn't believe that crying was unmanly. Rather, he cried whenever the pit of sadness in his heart grew too deep to ignore. However, he knew that crying alone wouldn't solve anything. So, he came up with a plan - the kind of plan that a friendless child might come up with. He would try to make friends with the other kids and blend in. Once he had accomplished that, he would try to get closer to Nobita, in the hopes of reminding him of their shared past

"I apologize for interrupting the introduction earlier, Sensei." I apologized with my head hung low. I wouldn't want people to see my face and realize that I had been crying.

"It's alright, we can do that right now as everyone is here" Sensei reassured me 

"Here, the tough-looking boy is Takeshi. The one bragging about his watch is Suneo, and the one listening to his bragging is Dekisugi. Look at her she's smiling at you, her name is Shizuka, and the boy staring at the pamphlet in his hands is Nobita " He added smiling as he pointed at each of them after taking their names.

I already knew the kids' names. They had matured into young adults, eyes filled with youthfulness. They helped me so much. Of course, I remember them. How could I not

Now it was my turn 

"Hello Everyone I am Luka. I am glad to meet all of you I hope we can be friends" I spoke loudly smiling brightly and waving my hands at them. This seemed to have everyone's attention including Nobita's 

"You all can talk and get to know each other. Moreover, Luka will be joining the school after a week or two and I am going to cook something delicious for you children. So you kids should behave and not bully your friend" Seinsei warned 

"Yes Sensei" The kids sang, hearing that Sensei went off to cook

"Hey, ya! Do you know how to play baseball ?" Takeshi asked in a demanding tone. He hadn't changed at all.

I had to befriend him, so I lied "I obviously do. Why do you ask?" I questioned


The moment Nobita tilted his head upwards to see Luka in front of him, whom he had named 'the guy with gorgeous fingers'. He wondered if something named fate existed, up until now he was just a pretty face jerk possessing gorgeous fingers who had refused to hand his notebooks back to him, the guy who he believed cursed at him after he ran away, the guy because of whom he was late, that guy who made his day worse, the guy who caught his eye, the guy he found attractive though Nobita would have a hard time accepting the latter.

He was initially startled as if he were a criminal caught red-handed. This was followed by confusion regarding the stranger's business with their teacher and the reason for his presence in his house. The teacher even introduced him, adding to the confusion. Deep down, Nobita was happy to meet Luka again.

Nobita noticed that Luka suddenly interrupted the introduction and went outside, looking pale and in a rush. It wasn't about him cutting the teacher off, but the sudden change in his demeanor that worried him.

Nobita had been staring at Luka's face ever since he had come back, but he doubted that Luka even noticed. He was busy examining Luka's face, feeling that something about him had changed, but he couldn't figure out what it was. The reason why his heart ached when he saw Luka after he stepped into the room remained a mystery.

I have been observing this jerk for quite some and I don't this brat is a jerk, maybe I misjudged him and he was just in a bad mood earlier like me or it could be that he is playing the nice guy right now. I shouldn't be too quick to judge,  even some of the most wholesome people on earth sometimes turn out to be serial killers.

"Then you are already my friend buddy, c'mere, but you'll have to prove it" Takeshi spoke, he was excited to have another victim to torment.

"Prove what?" the guy with gorgeous fingers asked him.

Oh man, I gotta stop calling him that, it's weird. I should probably start referring to him by his name before it becomes a habit and I embarrass myself after accidentally calling him that out aloud

"Your loyalty to me and our friendship that I wish would last forever," Takeshi told him, a mischievous grin planted on his face, the man was tricking the new guy

"I don't see a reason why I should do that" Luka mumbled but Takeshi heard him loud and clear and to say that he was angry would be an understatement.

I think Takeshi should work on his temper though I know that this hot-headed gorilla wouldn't. What is there to be so angry about, why would you ask someone you just met to 'prove' their loyalty to you?

"But I'll do that. what do you want me to do as proof" he spoke, he must've noticed how Takeshi's face suddenly became a tomato.

The rest of us exchanged glances when Luka said that, warning him with our eyes not to give in. He would regret that, been there; done that.

"Prove it by hanging out with us and listening to my exclusive solo concert" Takeshi announced, and that meant we had to go too.

"Yes, that is great. I would love to" He said as if he would actually love it. You are going to be tormented until your ears bleed

We watched Luka getting lured into the devil's trap. I swear I tried my best to stop Takeshi's prey.


Luka understood immediately what proof Takeshi was looking for when he mentioned "loyalty." He decided to go along with it because he knew it would give him more time to spend with Nobita, even though he felt guilty for having to endure Takeshi's terrible singing and watching Nobita suffer

"You did something you will regret, don't blame me I tried to warn you" was what Nobita whispered softly in Luka's ear. He smiled not breaking eye contact with Luka, and Luka just froze processing what had just happened. Nobita's voice sounded like honey to him and the smile Nobita had was just enough to accelerate the speed of his racing heart. 

Strangely the pat Nobita gave his shoulder before leaving, somehow calmed him down. Nobita had turned his back towards him and left after all but the only difference was that this time if he were to cry, he'd cry tears of happiness.

For the first and only time, there was a true smile on Luka's face as he silently watched his cherished one leave him and disappear into nothingness 

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