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I walked back-sprinted-to the old playground in a hurry, upon reaching I noticed that Nobita was no longer there, why would he be? I hadn't told him to wait so I should've expected as much. Foolish me, I went ahead of myself and hoped for too much. I won't lie, I was disheartened as none of the faces I glanced over resembled Nobita's though I understand that he would've preferred to leave with his friends than to wait in the cold for a stranger. 

Take it slow or he might abandon you, again. Don't destroy something that hasn't even been built.

I reminded myself.

I walked home with a heavy heart, kicking a few rocks on the sidewalk. My head hung low, I was too engrossed in my sadness to notice a man coming towards me, I only realized his existence after he bumped into me. He was short-not quite but shorter than me- and plump, in terms of age he looked over forty and had fairly good amount of hair on his head, he was wearing a greyish-blue work-suit set and reeked of cheap whiskey. The man was very drunk and bumping into me made him lose his balance. I apologetically stabilized him and he bowed thanking me in his drunken state.

I started walking back in the direction of my home and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, the screen glowed and I figured it was text message from Sensei.

'Come school from 1st of April, Class 12-A. Room no 45. I've enrolled you young man ^_^'

It read. Before I could glee over the text and weave fantasies, the drunken man stood in front of me-mouthed something I was unable to decipher- and fell.

I was shocked, amused even and quite irked, what was I supposed to do? carry him home? I felt my shoulder breaking just by the thought of it. The earthlings sure were weird. 

I bent down to inspect the man's face. His forehead was wrinkled, and he was sweating profusely. What am I supposed to do in this situation? If I just left him here and something happened to him, no I can't, the guilt will be too overwhelming.

Let's try to wake him up, okay. Yes I can do as much.

''THE HELL'' I shouted at the peacefully sleeping man, enraged as I stopped myself from slapping him across the face. He just won't wake up, no matter how much I tried or the various approaches I took. I held my forehead infuriated at the situation.


Police yes, I can just drop him off at the nearby station and dump him over there..but will that be alright, 

It's okay, don't be scared you have identification documents with you, no one will suspect you. I calmed myself before carrying him on my back all the way to the station. 

'' Oh thank you we'll care care of it '' The weary voice of the tall officer echoed in the empty station.

The next morning Luka thought he was nuts, cause how else can he be ever late to school.

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