6. Rooftop Rendezvous

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Jeisa made note of the sedan that followed them from the moment they left the mall to the diner, and she immediately noticed the newly painted, white, random company van parked on the street across the diner that clearly didn't belong there. Jeisa parked her truck at the diner's parking lot. She was already unbalanced as it were. These guys watching them were not making it easier for her. Cass seemed oblivious to it all, but Jeisa wasn't one hundred percent sure about Cass anymore. This was where the wheels were about to come off this ride. Quite frankly, Jeisa was ready to find out what the hell was going on.

Having finally been seated, Jeisa took in a deep breath of the hunger-inducing aroma of greasy delicious foods, full strength beer and warm deserts as they walked into the diner. After their server had rattled out the specials, she ordered the pork belly burger with all the trimmings. Cass got some duck confit fries, which were crispy potato sticks that were slathered in delicious confit duck bits and gravy. They'd decided to share, seeing as the portion sizes made it look like they'd just stepped into a Fred Flinstone's episode and ordered a dino sized meal. Diner food. You've got to love it.

Before the food arrived, Jeisa cleared her throat. She couldn't ignore the two men seated a few tables from them, watching them. She was out of time. That fleeting moment of blissful ignorance was done.

Their food could be packed to-go after this all went to shit.

"Cass..." Jeisa sighed, wondering what she'd start with. Would she bring up the whole 'I know you're straight, but you're also heavily flirting with me' or was it better to start with the 'It would be great to know why you're casually carrying around a WMD in your bag'. She was a little ashamed to admit that they both held the same importance to her still very muddled mind.

"...we need to talk." Cass finished Jeisa's sentence, taking Jeisa by surprise. "I know. I completely agree."

"Um... yeah." Jeisa replied. "There's something I wanted to ask you."

"And I promise I'll answer everything," Cass said with a sad smile. "Right after a quick bathroom break."

"Really? Right now?"

"Hey, you may have scuffed down all the popcorn, but I still had that massive slushie." Cass chuckled. But then she went a little serious. "Actions and consequences, right?"

Jeisa squared her jaw and gave a little nod when Cass excused herself from the table.

When Cass had disappeared into the bathroom, Jeisa stood up, asked the waitress to hold their food and their table, convincing the sexy blond by tucking a hundred-dollar bill into her breast pocket, then headed for the kitchen. Jeisa had been here many times before. She'd knew that the bathroom window looked into the same alley as the kitchen's back entrance.


The diner's head chef walked over and gave her a quick hug.

"Hey, Rita."

"What are you doing here?"

"Date." Jeisa was impatient to get to the alleyway.

"Ah! Good choice coming here and not the restaurant! How's that pompous ass, Roger anyway? Why are you still humouring the idiot?"

"You're the one wearing his ring and sharing a bed with the man every night." Jeisa said with a chuckle.

"Touché!" Rita laughed. "So, what are you doing back here? Stealing secrets for the enemy's kitchen?"

"I'm pretty sure my date is ditching me from the bathroom." Jeisa sighed.

"Damn. And you want to catch the trifling bitch in the act?"

Sparks and a Girl (Rewritten to publish)Where stories live. Discover now