8. A day at the Spa

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A few songs later, Cass left the room and Robyn walked over to Jeisa.

"Is Cass already leaving?" Jeisa asked, a little disappointed that Cass hadn't asked her for a ride home.

"Quick bathroom break." Robyn replied.

Jeisa was a little embarrassed by the relief that flooded every part of her, down to her fingertips. She was totally whipped, still on that exhilarating ride towards the brick wall. Why was it so hard for her to let this go? Cass was nothing but straight-girl heartbreak!

"So, when did you two get together?" Robyn asked, breaking the silence between them.


"You and your girlfriend, Cass," Robyn clarified. She took a sip of warm ginger, lemonade, honey tea that she'd walked over with. "How did you meet?"

"She's not my girlfriend." Jeisa said with a shrug. The pain from those words hurt more than she'd thought they would. She hadn't verbally confirmed the fact, and now that she had, she knew that she had to stop this foolishness. Tonight was the last time she'd indulge in this harmful game. There were so many other important things to focus on, like sniper dude and Robyn's mother, the police captain. They were connected to those WMDs somehow and Jeisa had to figure out how.

"Really?" Robyn questioned. She turned to Jeisa with a raised brow. "Does she know that?"

Before Jeisa could answer, Cass walked back into the room with something in her hands. Something very familiar to Jeisa. Jeisa stood up from her chair, her heart speeding up and stomach dropping as she watched the raven-haired, green-eyed beauty.

There was no way Cass had just done that!

Cass made her way to the little stage where the DJ stood and asked him to stop. Groans rumbled through the room. Cass then walked over to the small stage where the Head Ranger had spoken earlier in the night while welcoming everyone to the party.

"I know, I know," said Cass from the mic that had been set up there. "But don't worry. We have a special treat tonight. You might not know her because she's made it her job to blend in with shadows, walls, and wall plants, but I guarantee that you won't forget her after this."

Jeisa's pulse skyrocketed, and her ears turned flaming hot as she looked across the room to the crazy girl that she was absolutely crazy about. Cass had that look in her eye that she usually did when she was carrying out her favourite hobby of tormenting Jeisa.

"This is Jeisa!" Cass announced, pointing to Jeisa and beckoning her to join her. "And she'll be playing either a saxophone or a tiny, misshapen guitar. Not really sure what it is. I just grabbed this from under the passenger seat of her truck."

Amid some laughs, Cass raised Jeisa's saxophone backpack.

For the last week, Jeisa had been driving to the mental institute every morning to play, before heading out to the woods for their patrols.

At Cass' encouragement, everyone was now clapping and looking at Jeisa. Jeisa inwardly groaned, but outwardly smiled wide. Two could play this game. She made her way to the podium, took the backpack from Cass, and set up her sax.

She then took the mic.

"Hi. Like Cass said, my name is Jeisa, and... it's a saxophone. I haven't yet mastered misshapen guitars, but that's next on my list." she said, her voice slightly shaky. Laughter rippled through the crowd. "I hope you like this."

Jeisa narrowed her eyes at the smug look on Cass' face, placed her lips on the mouthpiece and watched in absolute satisfaction as Cass' jaw hit the floor. Cass froze in place, right against the wall at the back of the room, while listening to the piece that Jeisa had decided to play.

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