11. Road Trip

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"I've always wanted to ask someone who works in a fancy restaurant this one thing," Cass rambled as she opened the door to her apartment. They'd been talking from the moment they left the café. It was so easy between them. However, Jeisa was a little distracted.

"What's that?" Jeisa asked absently, her muscles coiled so tight it hurt. She wondered if the men would already be in the apartment, and how many there would be.

"I've eaten out lots of times..." Cass quickly looked up at Jeisa, whom she let walk in first, then cleared her throat. "I mean, I've been to many restaurants to consume food!"

Jeisa gave her a silly grin, relaxing when she realised that there was no one waiting for them in the living room. These guys weren't the kind to hide away in a room or closet for an ambush.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Jeisa," Cass playfully chastised her. "And while you're there, pick mine too."

Jeisa's grin turned into a little chuckle. But the relief at them being alone was metered. If the men weren't in here, that meant that they were out there and had just watched Jeisa and Cass walk in. They wouldn't be alone in here for much longer.

"Anyway, what I wanted to say was that I don't think I've ever seen anyone ordering their steak rare. Never! Not once!" Cass said, putting her keys in a bowl on the kitchen island, then turning to face Jeisa again. "Do people actually do that, or is the internet just gaslighting us into thinking that's a common thing? What's the most popular steak doneness request in your restaurant, for example? Because I think this whole thing about..."

Jeisa swallowed Cass' next words in a hard kiss.

It's funny when you know that shit's about to go down. That you're probably about to die. And that there's little you can do about it because the odds are likely stacked against you. This was a horrible plan, and involving Cass was beyond stupid and reckless. But here they were, the choice already made. All Jeisa could do now was wait for the consequences and deal with them the best way she could, hopefully in a way that didn't hurt the first person she'd ever fallen for.

Cass pulled out of the kiss, concern in her eyes. "Jeis, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine," Jeisa said, knowing that her smile was more solemn than she wanted it to be, but not being able to do anything about it. "Now, please kiss me, because I don't think I can survive you not kissing me right now."

Cass smirked and obliged, imbuing her kiss with the same intensity as Jeisa's. She pushed Jeisa's leather jacket off, and Jeisa did the same with the letterman jacket that Cass had taken from the guest house. With practiced fluidity from the last few days, Cass wrapped her hands around Jeisa's neck, and a little jump had her legs wrapped around Jeisa's waist without breaking the kiss. Jeisa held her up, one hand lost in Cass' dark locks and the other on her tight butt.

She walked over and placed Cass on the kitchen island, breaking the kiss only long enough to quickly whip off the t-shirt Cass had borrowed that morning. She had nothing underneath, and Jeisa couldn't stop herself from taking a small step back and just looking at her. Cass laughed, then grabbed Jeisa's shirt to pull her closer. Jeisa laughed too and then trailed kisses from Cass' mouth, down her jaw and neck, enjoying the whispered moans that answered every kiss.

Cass didn't seem to mind the slight desperation in Jeisa's nibbles and kisses. If anything, it seemed to get her even more hot and bothered. Impatient with the button-down shirt that Jeisa had on, Cass grabbed the shirt and ripped it open, the buttons scattering on the kitchen floor. She roughly pulled it off, leaving Jeisa in her dark green lace bra, and that didn't stay on long. Jeisa wrapped Cass' legs around her waist again, lifted her off the counter and walked to the bedroom, where she dropped Cass on her bed and made love to her like it was the last time she would ever get to.

Sparks and a Girl (Rewritten to publish)Where stories live. Discover now