bad morning

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Author pov..

You were sleeping peacefully when you heard tae's voice.....

"princess wakey wakey.."
Tae said softly.

"Oppaaa plewseee 5 minutes moree". you said snuggling into him.

"NO bubba wake up or I'm going to call jungkook and you know him very well."
He said.

"I knoww you will not causee you are my lovely dovely oppa."
You said and covered yourself in blanket.

He sighed and said...." yeah I will not but if he will get to know that you woke up late again then I will not save you." He said but you just ignored it and didn't responded.

He sighed agian and was saying something but..
"y/n wake- jun-gkook you here..." he said lil worried for you after seeing jk standing at the door with a Stern face ..

You thought he is fooling you again cause he have already done this trick to wake you up before. "You can't fool me again oppa" . You said still under the blanket...

"Ohhh I see." jungkook said in a scary voice making you scared.....

Jk pov..

I was waiting for tae hyung and my bunny at the dinning room , tae hyung has went to wake her up . But it has been almost half an hour but they didn't came so I got to know what would be happening there.. I entered in her room and guess what my guess was right she was still in bed and hyung was trying to wake her up i really didn't want to scold her early morning but seems like she really need something from me....

Jk pov end back to author pov...

After hearing jk voice you jumped and sat straight on bed being scared.

"Ko-kie op-pa- . "you were saying but got cut by jk .

"We will talk about this after your school for now go and get ready fastt or you will get latee." jk said in a cold voice ..

"B-but-" . you were saying but again got cut by him..

"I SAID GO FAST!." he said in little high tone..

Then you ran to get ready..

"Aishh thiss kidd." Jk said little frustrated.

"Jungkook ." Said tae .

"Yes hyung." Jk replied.

"Leave her this time please she will not do this again ." Said tae being worried for y/n

Jk sighed and said. "No hyung it's her 5th time not in a month but in a week i left her this many times but not now or it will become her habit ." Said little serious.

"Yeah you are right too but don't be hard on her ".tae said

Jk chuckled . "Yeah how can i she is such a cutiee i will just tease her a bit." He said slowing his bunny smile .

"Yeah yeah now let's go and wait for her down stairs." Tae said and jk nodded in reply and they went downstairs.

After a while you got ready and went downstairs in the dinning room and saw your brothers sitting there..

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