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When you saw the ruler your body automatically stopped working cause they never punished you with this thingy now there was only one. Que in your mind....

Will he hit you with that ruler ????

Jk pov ....

When y/n went to her room I went and brought a wooden ruler noo noo I'm not going to hit her how can I hit my cutie baby I just bought it to-

Author - to give her a heart attack right 🙄..
Jk - can you just stfu and get lost... Said being trusfrustrated .
Author - yeah yeah goin.. rude jerk 🙄...

Back to jk pov
So yeahh I'm not going to hit her it's just to scared her a little. Then after sometime I saw y/n coming downstairs but as she saw the ruler she stopped and fear was visible in her face and now I was regretting bring this but I'm not gonna hit her or something.....then I called her .....

Jk pov end

Jk - y/n what are you doing there come fast (cold )

You slowly went near him..

Jk - come sit here (pointed beside him )

And you sat there..

Jk - hmm so tell me didn't I told you to get up on time huhh ?? (Stern yet calm )

Y/n - i-i a-am s-sorry oppa (looking down scared)

Jk - what sorry huh u yourself tell me since how many days you are doing this (strict tone )

Y/n - (no response)

Jk - i asked something y/n (lil loud )

Y/n - f-five d-days (tears started forming in your eyes)

Jk - you know what I don't want to talk to that kid who didn't listen to their brothers.

Saying this he stands up and was about to go but you held back of his t shirt with your small hands tightly and started apologizing while crying badly.

Y/n - o-oppa i-i am r-really s-sorry I will n-not do this a-agian p-please (crying badly)

And ofc he melted..
He immediately picked you up and hugged you tightly while rubbing your back...

Jk - shh shh baby bunny it's ok oppa forgive hmm don't cry hmm you are brave girl right (kissed your head)

Y/n - o-oppa y-y/nie b-brave g-girl ?(sobbing)

Jk - yess yess y/nie is brave and the most adorable girl in the world. (Kissed your forehead and smiled).

Y/n - oppa ish not a-angry at y/nie .. (doe teary eyes)

Jk - yes baby how can I be angry with my baby bunny hmm but promise me you will wake up on time (softly)

Y/n - yeshh kookie oppa pinky promise (forwarded her pinky finger)

Jk smiled and connected their both pinky fingers together..

Jk - that's my girll (kissed your whole face making you giggle out loud)

Jk - now let's go and eat or that tiger will eat us alive ( wipe the tears which were left in your face and then kissed your both puffy eyes which was little red due to crying )

That's when tae entered the living room and smiled..

Tae - hey kiddos (smile)

Y/n - taee taee oppaaaa..
You jumped from jk's arms and ran to tae and hugged him tightly...

Tae - yess bubba (picked you up but his face turned little serious after seeing you red puffy eyes)did my bubba cried (kissed her soft cheeks)

Y/n - (pouted) yeshh kookie oppa badie he-(tae cutted her in Between when he saw the wooden ruler in the sofa )

Tae - youuu jungle book don't teellll Mee youuu hitteddd myy babyy with thatt thingyyy...
He shouted it anger which made you flinch..

Jk - hyung i didn't it- (agian cutted by tae )

Tae - yeah then why the f- (stoped)aishhh what is that thing doing there huhhh..

Jk looked at you and saw you giggling in tae's arm..

Jk - (sigh) hey you brat why are you giggling there huh tell him the truth nahh (fake crying)

As you giggle out loud...

Tae - (lightly smack your head) don't laugh bun and tell me did he punished you (worried)

Y/n - noo oppaa. Kookie oppa just scolded y/nie (pout)

Tae - then what is that thing doing there huh (looked at jk with raised eyebrows)

Y/n - yeshh tae tae oppa i got reallyyy scared after seeing that I thought kookie oppa will hit meh (sad pout)

Jk - it was just to scare her (nervous)

Tae - that's what I thought (rolled his eyes)

Y/n - whattt doo you mean by scaring me huhh was your that scary expression not enough or you wanted me to have a heart attack (shouted with an angry pout)

They both chuckled lightly..

Tae - yeahh yeahh jungle book tell herr... (encouraging you )

Jk -  aishh I'm sorryy nahhh ( fake crying)

As you giggled

Y/n - fine i forgive you this time but don't do this again ( mimicking him)

Jk - you bratt (picked you up from tae's arm and carefully throwed you in the sofa and started tikkle tickling you)

Y/n - s-s-orr-y o-ppa (laughing hard)

While tae clicked their photos while adoring them...

To be continued..

Thank you forr reading...

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