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Jk - do you even know what your first exam is (raised eyebrows)

Y/n - ammmm (nervous)

Jk - (flicked your forehead) you don't even know that.. it's maths Dumbo..

Y/n - awwh oppaa I'm not dumboo (said with a Pout while rubbing your forehead)

As jk chuckled and then his phone rang..

It was jin's call..

Jk - open chapter 2 (said to y/n and picked up the call)

You nodded and started to open the book..

On the phone..

Jk - hello hyung.

Jin - heyy jungkook im coming to your house to spend time with my cupcake what is she doing..

Jk - I was making her study jin hyung (sigh)..

As you heard jin's name you stood up on the table and snatch it from his hand but y/n being y/n your leg stumbled and you were about to fall but jk caught you and give you a scary glare making you really scared as you know what will happen now then you remembered jin was on the call you immediately said...

Y/n - jinniee oppaa savee Mee from this double bunny ple- (jk snatch the phone back and held your arm tightly making sure you won't run and then put the phone in his ear ..)

Jin - helloo .. he-(stopped when jk spoke)

Jk - yes hyung I'm here..

Jin - what happened is cupcake ok did she again cause trouble don't go hard on her I'm just about to arrive..

Saying that he cut the call not even giving chance to jk to answer while you were trying to get out of his grip but stopped when he glared at you making you scared...

As a hard smack landed on your butt making you yelp in pain and your eyes got moist..

Y/n - awwhhh oppaaa (almost crying)

And that's when jin entered the room with a concerned face..
And when he saw you and jk he understood you did something again.
As soon as you saw jin you started to wiggle in jk's grip more..

Y/n - jinnie oppaa hellpp (pleaseding teary eyes)

Jin - (sigh) jungkook leave her..

Jk - hyung do you even know what she di-(cut my jin )

Jin - i don't know but let's sit and talk calmly first ..

As jk loosen the grip on y/n's hand as she ran to jin and hugged him as he picked you up and wiped your tears..

Y/n - kookie oppa badie (snuggled in his neck)

As jk and jin sighed..

Jin - come jungkook tell me what this little creature did now (walked and sat on the couch in the room and made you sit on his lap)

As you were scared as you knew you did wrong and now jin will get angry as well...
Jk also sat beside you and jin and sighed heavily seeing you like this he really didn't wanted to smack you but he was not able to control his anger at that time he got really scared when he saw you falling from the table you would have got injured badly..

Jin - hmm now tell me what she did (concerned)

Jk took a deep breath and started to tell him what happened as you peeked out of his embrace to see his expressions and it was getting stern which made you really scared as you hugged him tightly agian..

After jk Finnished tell him jin took a deep breath as he was trying to control his anger cause he knew they can't just give her some smack they have to be patient and make her understand first..


To be continued...

I know this part was really short 😭😭.
Forgive me please i was just not getting what should they do soo pleaseeee comment down what they should do.
They should punish her or just leave her after making her understand....

Andd guysssss thankssss alott for this much love this story crossed 1k viewsss thank youu soooo sooo soooooooooooooooo muchhh love you guysss..

And today I was reading the previous parts of the story I saw soo many mistakes 😭.
Agian thanks alot for ignoring the mistakes I will be much more better i promise...
I have edited the wrong parts but if you found any more wrong things just try to understand or just comment please...

Thank for reading<3333..

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