twenty-one. 二十一

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Teyvat had a history of falling stars, and gods descending from Celestia and the worlds beyond it to wreak earth-shaking havoc on the land. The ground splitting apart, the tide rising miles high to swallow everything whole, fire consuming the forests like a sea of all-consuming thirst.

And yet, the only time you found yourself shaking was now, back at the Grand Narukami Shrine, in a black kimono embroidered with flowing blue patterns.

You knew this was not going to be the most important day of your life, given the person you were about to marry, but it was definitely one of the most important days. Brave as you thought you were, you trembled as Chisato handed you a bouquet of black flowers.

The wedding was strictly adhering to Inazuman tradition, but your maid of honor couldn't resist adding some Mondstadt elements. For one, you were walking down the aisle without your groom, who was waiting for you at the altar on top of the mountain. You knew that once you were up there, you could finally feel assured.

Cheesy as it was, you had been waiting for this day your entire life.

"That's the procession cue," said Chisato, upon hearing the flute play a soft and calm song.

The shrine maidens giggled as they formed a line in front of you. They loved weddings, as did the rest of Inazuma. The story of Ayato coming back to reclaim you had proved to be very popular among the common folk. There was no doubt to them now that what the two of you had was no hoax. Even your parents had to begrudgingly agree that Ayato was brave to have risked humiliation for you.

"You're quivering," said Chisato. She took out a fan, the one she had lent to you and began to cool your face. "Don't worry—I'm sure he won't run away."

The procession began to walk up the path of red torii gates. Chisato gave a ghost kiss on your cheek and began to fan herself like she was about to cry. You both fell silent to maintain the solemnity and followed the procession.

In your nervousness, you took the time to straighten out your dress. It was a magnificent piece, tailored to make you look like a river scroll. The silken blue ribbon belt fell in waves around your skirt like a waterfall. The sleeves billowed behind you like a bridal train. Pearls had been woven into your hair like a crown.

Vain as it may be, you fluttered in anticipation of how your would-be husband would react once he saw you.

You reached the top of the mountain and entered the shrine.

A deep hush fell over the guests, entranced by the wispy beauty that had manifested before them. You glided down the aisle, sneaking occasional peeks. And then you caught sight of him.

You didn't know how Ayato could look so handsome. He was wearing a blue kimono, not unsimilar to you. His eyes scanned yours, searching for everything he could reach with a look. And yes, your vanity was slightly appeased when his pupils widened at the sight of you.

You stepped forward. He took your hand in his gloved one and helped you sit down before the three glasses of sake. Yae Miko declared your marriage ceremony to the heavens. The sky thundered, lit with the Shogun's assent.

"You're beautiful," Ayato whispered. He nudged your knee. "Like I said before, you're much more pleasant when you're not frowning all the time."

You sighed. "Why am I marrying you, again?"

"Because you're good at making poor decisions."

"That's quite clear to me now that I'm sitting next to you," you said.

Ayato moved his hand over yours. As Yae droned on, repeating words she'd already said, you focused on his presence as you prepared yourself for the words you were going to say, the vows you were going to make and honor forever. It was a daunting task. But it was going to be alright.

Things would get difficult sometimes, but you would never question why you chose this.

Why you were destined to be with him.

The one person who knew you best.

The only person you could love in this way.

"Ayato," you said, addressing him before saying the vow.

His name was enough.

WHISPERS OF A BUTTERFLY • Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now