[10] Walking In The Rain

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(A/N) I don't think I mentioned this in a previous chapter, but just so you're aware, Ashton Secondary School has a uniform policy which consists of a shirt and tie, jumper (sweater) and blazer. Their school uses a blue theme, so basically just think of the blazers they had in that one episode of the show! :)

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Henry groaned as he reached into his pocket, trying to fish out the source of the vibration. The phone escaped his grip a few times before he was able to hold it up above him, only to be met with a bright light that caused him to swear under his breath as he shielded his eyes. After a few seconds, he managed to open them just enough to see the word "Mum" spread across his screen. He had thought about changing it many times, but considering how often his phone got confiscated, it was safer to just keep it simple.

"Mm... hello?" he mumbled, sleepiness evident in his voice.

"Henry? Where are you? I told you to be back before tea!"

"Huh?" Henry rubbed his eyes and looked around, realising he was still in Ralph's room. "What time is it?"

"It's eight o'clock Henry, where on earth are you?!"

A small movement at Henry's side caught his attention. He looked down to see Ralph asleep next to him, gently clutching the sleeve of his jumper. "Err... m-me and Ralph were playing a game and I lost track of time."

Curse words were uttered on the other end of the line. "Just get home soon okay?"

"Yeah, I will-" Henry was interrupted by the sound of his mother hanging up. He put the phone down with a sigh, and closed his eyes again.


"Hm?" Henry turned his head to see Ralph looking up at him, his eyes only half open. His hands stayed on Henry's arm.

"Do you have to go now?"

Staring down at his friend, Henry had a realisation that he had never thought about before: Ralph was cute.

"Yeah... my mum's mad at me again," Henry muttered, feeling warmth in his face.

Disappointment was evident in Ralph's expression, and Henry looked back at him with a hint of guilt. A thought came into his head, and he acted impulsively on it, raising his hand. He froze for a second, fearing what would happen, but figured it was too late to back down now.

And so, his hand made a gentle landing on the other boy's face.

Time seemed to freeze for a moment as Ralph looked at Henry with wide eyes. Then, his fingers wrapped themselves tighter around Henry's sleeve, and Henry figured the gesture had been well received. His heart racing, he slowly moved his hand further towards Ralph's hair. Ralph closed his eyes again, a smile growing on his blushing face.

Henry had never seen such a soft side to Ralph before. It reminded him somewhat of a puppy being petted. Adorable.

"I thought you had to go," said Ralph.

"They're going to be angry at me either way. May as well stay while I can, right?"

Ralph smiled more, and suddenly his arms were wrapped around Henry and his face was buried in his chest.

For once, Henry felt as if he were able to forget about all of his problems.

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"It's tipping it down out there."

Ralph stood at his bedroom window as Henry grabbed his school bag and blazer from the corner of the room.

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