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Chapter Twenty
Alex Pov
Throughout my lunch, I kept looking at them skeptically. I was confused as to why they were both acting this way.
The Ryan that I knew was rude and mean, so why the change now?
I still couldn't really agree with the reason he had given me. He said he wanted to keep an eye on me so I wouldn't hurt Tina.
But we all know truthfully that Ryan could have bulky me into protecting Tina, but he didn't. I couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with what I had three days ago.
Did you ask him to keep an eye on me? My head was hurting me as all those thoughts swamped my mind.
After we were through, I excused myself from the cafeteria and went to the restroom to wash my face.
I turned the tap, letting the water flow, before butting my head. I needed more than a face wash; I needed something to cook me off.
I offed the tap, staring at myself for a good moment in the mirror. "Am I that weak?" I whispered to myself before taking the towel I brought from my locker and using it to wipe my head and face.
After I was through, I made my way out of the bathroom, my head still heavy with thoughts.
"Alex! " I heard my name, and I turned back to see David and Nat running towards me.
I rolled my eyes and turned back as I continued walking towards class.
"Hey man, wait!" David shouted again.
They catch up with me, blocking my way.
"Hey man, what's up?" Nat asked again.
"Common, don't tell me you are still mad at us. We are just kidding around, okay??"He said, patting my shoulder, while David nodded his head, smiling.
"Yeah, we just wanted to see how you would react if we pulled your legs like that." David continued, making me look at the two of them, confused.
Wow, they must really think I am an idiot who can lie anytime and come back laughing.
"I heard what the both of you said when I entered the cafeteria a while ago." I said, and both their eyes went back before Nat cleared his throat.
They were both discussing with some girls how they only got close to me so as to enter my dead sisters pants. I wanted to punch them in the face, but Tina called me, telling me something urgent had come up.
"Common, that was just to see your reaction; don't take it personally, okay?" David said.
"Don't tell me you really see us as those kinds of people. Woah! I'm really angry now. After everything we have been through  together, Nat said. 
David hit him on the chest slightly. "Common, don't be an emotional man." He told Nat.
" Whatever. So do you want to hang out after school, like do anything fun? That's our treat. You should bring Ryan over; I notice you guys are now close." Nat said. 
"Yeah, you should bring Ryan so we could all bond together; just tell us where you want to go." David said, smiling.
I scoff inwardly at the both of them, so this was all they were after. They wanted to hang out with Ryan. They both weren't truly sincere with their apologies.
"I am not coming." I answered, not wanting to get involved with them ever again.
I turned around to leave when Nat jacked me back forcefully.
"Ahh!!" I groaned, massaging my arm.
"Common, don't be like that; just take the offer already and let's hang out." He frowned, putting his hand on his hips.
"Calm down, dude," David said.
"Look, Alex, common, we are trying to hang out as guys; beside, you know how many cheeks we could get if we hand out together with Ryan common." David smirked, hitting my chest slightly again.
"Fuck off," I said, glaring at them.
"Ahhh, I knew he would be difficult; I mean, he definitely won't continue being a fool, I told you.. Nat said it arrogantly before coming close to me and grabbing my collar.
Look, Ryan,"  he said, pulling me closer.
"Do you think you are now a big shot because you had lunch with Ryan? I am pretty sure it is just pity he is throwing at your ass since he fucked your sister before she died." Nat added, glaring at me.
I pulled him hard, throwing the towel to the ground, ready to attack them.
"What do you think you are doing? Are you stupid? You really want to fight the both of us.."David said, laughing.
"Why are you advising the fool instead of beating his ass out?" Nat said he was getting up from the floor.
"What Alex did—what I just said—opened a deep wound." He chuckled. 
I glared at them more. They both charged at me for hitting.
"What the fuck?" I heard a familiar voice yell before they ran over.
"Hey, back off," Ryan said, pushing them off me.
Jayden helped me up by looking at my favorite before clenching his jaws and going towards Nat and David. He liked them hard on the face.
"Stop, brother; it's your first day; you don't want to get in trouble." Ryan said, pulling him back.
My eyes widen as I process Ryan's words.
What does he mean? It's his first day.
Why is he going to school here now?
"It's not our fault, Ryan; he came towards us boasting and attacking us." Nat said he was getting up on his feet.
"Yeah, he was saying he now hangs out with you, so he could do anything." David chipped in.
"Besides, he threw the first punch; we were just defending ourselves." David added. 
"Fuck off. Alex would never say something like that." Jayden yelled at them.
"And who the fuck are you to know that?" Nat asked rudely.
Jayden chuckled darkly before going towards him and punching him in the face again. Nat falls back down to the ground, and Jayden walks towards him, stepping on his finger, then bends down to his face.
"Trust me, you will soon know who I am, and after you just know that, I will make your remaining days in this school a living hell, just because you lay your filthy fingers on him." Jayden said in a dangerously low voice, making Nat swallow hard, sweat beading his forehead.

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