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Lando POV

Somehow, Lottie had managed to convince me to travel the 2 hour journey to Mclaren HQ with her personal driver and her 7 foot giant of a bodyguard, Marco.  She insisted to Marco that he wasn't needed, but they still had to be nearby incase anything happened. I coulnt help but feel sorry for her, spending the majority of her life out in public with the fear some stalker could possibly harm her.  I instantly felt protective, and Marco and I shared an understanding between us.  I liked him. 

The town car was large, so Marco sat in the passenger seat with Bill driving.  Lottie and i sat in the spacious back seats.  I felt odd in my training kit, in a luxury car with Lottie looking effortlessly glamourous even in a simple outfit. I couldnt help but stare at her, currently in conversation on her phone with her manager. Her side profile was goddess like, with her hair styled and brushed to perfection- not a single hair out of place even after my hands were all up in it before.  Her arms were toned and dotted in fine line tattoos, ones i was eager to ask about as i watch her talk animatedly. 

She looks to me and pulls a face as her manager talks on.  

I dont think i've ever smiled this much with anyone. 

"Yes Jennifer. Of course i'll be there" she says down the phone and rolls her eyes at me. "I'm just having a little day out" she shoots me a wink and i shake my head although it does nothing to hide how totally besotted i am with her.  I hear her manager say something else. "Hold on, i'll ask"

"William!" she calls in a posh accent "what's the ETA?"

I see Bill shake his head and smile at her antics, clearly used to it "about 10 minutes Charlotte!

"Ya hear that Jen?" she adds cheekily "All in good time" i hear mumbling on the other end as Lottie gasps "when am i ever late?!"

She holds the phone out away from her ear and mouths a quick 'sorry' to me, before placing it back and smiling "sorry jen, you're breaking up" i can see that she is dying to laugh as she fakes concern "the signal is just terrible around here. But i'll see you in a few hours, ciao for now!"

"All good?" I ask she she turns her phone off and places it in her bag. 

She turns her body towards me, a soft look on her face "it is now"

She clicks the button on the side of the car door and the partition goes up. 

"So, from what you've explained on how today goes, we wont have much time together" she begins a faux innocence "In private"

I swallow as i hate how easily turned on she gets me. 

"No, not really" i answer and hope my voice doesnt waiver.  Unfortunately for me, her winning smiles says it did. 

She unclips her seatbelt, slides over and places her hand on my neck with her thumb stroking my jaw. 

"Better do this now then" she adds breathlessly as she closes the gap. 

It starts off quite tender, but there is something between us, something that needs to snap.  What starts as off soft, soon becomes wet and dirty as her tongue is on mine.  I feel the electricity in me, pumping in my heart as it hammers in my chest and I hardly think when i nip at her bottom lip.  The moan she lets out should be illegal, and i know where this kiss would lead if it werent for the two men behind the partition. 

And thats how i spend the last 10 minutes of our journey; wildly snogging the hottest woman i've ever met in the back of her chauffer driven car. 

Dumb Love- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now