CHAPTER 6 - Alone

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That night, dinner was a special event. It had been a while since Brethen last saw that table – with over fifty seats – completely occupied.

One of the main differences between a Champion and a common guard was that Champions were seen as figures of authority, and therefore, they were invited to sit at the table during events like that. Amina was also present, along with her husband Silas, and other members of the high nobility and prestigious figures, such as the two main ladies-in-waiting to the queen and the two to the princess, Serafine being one of them.

Belinda was seated next to Arian, in the place that would usually be occupied by Brethen, but she would have to get used to that.

"We haven't had time to talk yet," Belinda whispered to Brethen during the meal. "I know your job involves spending a lot of time with Arian, so I imagine we'll have to spend a lot of time together too. I hope we can be friends."

Brethen smiled, taken by surprise. Belinda truly exuded the grace and charm everyone talked so much about. It was hard not to be enchanted by her.

"Likewise, Lady Belinda."

"No 'Lady,' please. Just call me Belinda."

Brethen nodded, and Belinda turned to talk to the queen, who had asked something about the young woman's mother.

When Brethen returned her attention to the meal before her and took a sip of her wine, she noticed something floating in the liquid. It took her a few seconds to realize they were letters. Words.

Meeting in my room after dinner.

As soon as Brethen finished reading the message, the words disappeared. She tried to look at Arian and confirm that it was him, but he was facing his father. So, Brethen's eyes went to the other side of the table and found Serafine, sitting next to the princess. She seemed intrigued by something on the cloth napkin she held between her hands, then looked around, as puzzled as Brethen. Further down, Amina stared fixedly at her plate, eyebrows furrowed.

This time, when Brethen turned to Arian, he looked back, winked, and returned to talking to the king.


"Didn't you have a better way to talk to us?" Brethen said when she and Arian were alone in his room. The others hadn't arrived yet.

"I didn't know if I would get the chance," Arian took off his jacket and threw it over the arm of a chair before sitting down.

Two knocks on the door announced the arrival of Serafine and Arture.

"What's so urgent?" Arture asked. He wasn't at the dinner, but Arian managed to get the message to him as well.

Brethen sat on the sofa, and Serafine sat next to her. They exchanged a reserved look but didn't touch.

Before Arian could respond, a new knock announced Amina's arrival. With everyone gathered, the meeting could begin.

"I believe you all know about the invasion that happened a few days ago," Arian said. "A man entered my father's quarters and tried to hide under the bed, probably to assassinate him. But he was caught and took poison before the guards could get him to say anything."

"We also know about the Shadow Tide tattoo," Amina added, sitting on the other side of Brethen. Arture occupied the other armchair. "And the reopened secret passage."

"Exactly," Arian continued. "My father is trying to keep me out of this, especially after Belinda's arrival, but now that Arture is back, we can access some important information. Last night, I cast a reading spell on one of the stones removed from the secret passage and discovered some things about the person who may have helped the intruder enter the palace. It was a young man with blong hair and a scar on his face. From what I could gather, he seemed to be wearing the servant's uniform, but the image was not very clear. I'm quite positive that I've never seen anyone matching this description in the palace. Arture, do you know if Alma has found anything?"

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