CHAPTER 19 - Debate

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Brethen wasn't proud of herself for being hungover at a meeting to discuss the security planning for the engagement ball. And yet, there she was.

That morning she had woken up to the sound of laughter coming from outside. When she arrived at the antechamber she shared with Arian, she found the prince and Belinda at the breakfast table.

"Good morning!" he said, raising his cup of coffee.

"Come join us, there's enough for you too," Belinda invited with a friendly smile.

Of course, there's enough for me, Brethen thought. This is my breakfast table. But she said nothing and just smiled, joining them at the table. However, she knew Belinda hadn't said it with ill intentions. She had always been friendly and kind to Brethen. But now, knowing that she wanted more space, it was challenging to feel comfortable during that meal.

Brethen ate in silence, her head throbbing, while Belinda and Arian continued their conversation. Soon, the prince had to leave for his Galiano classes, leaving Brethen and Belinda alone for the very first time.

"I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind," Belinda said, surprising Brethen. "I noticed that Arian always wears gloves, and I've been told it's because of some allergies, but I know there are... rumours."

Brethen almost choked on a piece of toast.

"Look, I don't mind if the rumours are true. I just wanted to know if..."

"I think you should talk to him about that, not me," Brethen interrupted.

"I know," Belinda gave a shy smile. "Forgive me. I shouldn't have asked."

The two spent the rest of the meal in silence, which Brethen appreciated, as her headache only worsened.

Two hours later, she found herself in a meeting in the throne room, accompanied by the main leaders of Pratoria, and her head was pounding as if it were about to explode.

"We will conduct a thorough search before the entry of all guests," Captain Alma stood in front of the thrones, going over the instructions for the engagement ball. "It will be strictly forbidden to enter the palace with any type of weapon, including certain types of hairpins and canes. With the reduced number of guests, it will be easier to enforce the protocol."

The entire royal family was present, seated on their usual thrones, with Brethen and Fausto standing beside their respective wards. Unlike the days of public hearings, there were eight chairs arranged in front of the thrones, where the other participants of the meeting were seated.

"Thank you, Alma," said the kind, and the Captain returned to her seat. "Lord Syfas, what are the updates?"

The Lord cleared his throat and stood, straightening his vest.

"Your Majesty, Highnesses, as requested in our last meeting, I was responsible for monitoring the impact of the return of the Shadow Tide around Pratoria. I have been following the newspapers and have eyes and ears spread in taverns and temples, and they brought me concerning information."

A murmur spread through the room, but Lord Syfas continued:

"Many people have associated the Shadow Tide with..." Syfas's eyes flickered to Arian for a brief second before returning to the king. "Dark Magic. And the old rumours about the prince are resurfacing. I must say, some of Your Highness's behaviours have fueled such rumours. I have noticed such suspicious attitudes myself, like the gloves, for example."

Arian snorted a disbelieving laugh.

"What one thing has to do with the other, Syfas?" he asked.

"Isn't it obvious, Your Highness? The Shadow Tide is an organization that dwells in darkness, attacking farms and killing animals. And why, if not for ritualistic reasons related to Dark Magic?"

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