Chapter Fifteen: A Surprise Visit

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Sunday, September 11th, 2022

I stood in the fields before The Academy, looking over its beauty.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" said a voice from beside me.  

I turned to see a tall, muscular girl, dressed in a blue shirt that crossed in the front and brown sweat pants, with short brown hair standing beside me.

"My best friends made this, in honor of me." She said,

"You're Avatar Korra!" I realized.

"Yep, that's me." She replied, "Now, I hear you're the new Avatar."

"That's right." I replied, nervous. 

"I usually don't do this, but because you're gonna need all the help you can get, I had to come when you were sleeping." She started, "Trouble is coming for you Evangelene. You need to learn the four main Elements as fast as possible, because the world is going to need the Avatar. I've already sent a message to Ursa, but I wanted to talk directly to you."

"What's happening? Why do I need to rush my training? I just got here and I'm already in trouble?!" I cried. I sat down in the grass and held my head in my hands.

"You have nothing to worry about for now. I will tell you all I can, but it may not be enough to satisfy your craving for information." She replied, sitting down beside me. "You know of the Shadow benders, yes?"

"Yeah, a little." I replied, looking up at her.

"The Spirits have been reporting accounts of Shadow benders grouping together and we fear it may lead to bad affairs." She started, but I interrupted.

"Wait, you think I'm in trouble because a group of benders have come together?" I asked, "I think you're just blaming them because they're different and have a new bending style that no one knows about..." I got quiet, realizing where she was going with this.

"A new bending style no one knows about." Korra repeated. "Because we know nothing about Shadow bending, we're worried they might try something that will harm Atheara. Or worse, The Academy."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense." I said, "But why are you worried about it now? They haven't done anything yet. What if they're just trying to find others like them? Form a community to feel safe and heard?"

"Because one of the last times this happened with new Element benders, was when our last Avatar was killed." She replied, "I'm sure you've heard from Ursa how the last Avatar died and you were born, so I'll just say that. A group of Illusionists broke the peace on Atheara, and killed the Avatar when she was on her way back from a mission. Why they did it, I have no idea, but what I do know is that it could happen again. And because we don't know any more about Shadow bending than we knew about Illusion bending at the time, we need to be cautious and prepared."

"Wow, I didn't know that." I replied, shocked that a group of people could do that to someone who brings and keeps peace. I shivered at the thought of it possibly happening to me. "That can't happen to me, right?" I asked, worried for the future now.

"I don't know," Korra replied, "But if you can learn the four Elements in time, you'll be safer and more prepared for if and when they could attack."

"Right, got it." I said, finding determination to do my best and learn as much bending as I could. "So, is that all?" I asked,

"For now, yes." She replied, "But I will return when I have more information."

"Ok." We sat in the grass, looking at The Academy in the moonlight.

"Korra," I asked, "How are we here if we're the same person?"

"Ah, I guess you've met Wan then." She said, "We're in your mind."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Well, it's more than that. You're in the Avatar state, and we're in the Spirit world. But technically, we're in your mind too; because no one else is experiencing this." She explained, "It's a little bit more complicated than that, but that's the easiest way to explain it."

"But the Spirit world was merged with Atheara during the last Harmonic Convergence." I said, "How could we go to the Spirit world through the Avatar state if there is no Spirit world." I asked, greatly confused.

"Yes, they were. But you're forgetting about the New Spirit World." She replied simply.

"Wow, this is all so cool." I breathed, letting everything sink into my brain.

"Yeah, it really is." Korra replied.

"Was that all you wanted to tell me?" I asked, so many more questions swarming in my head.

"Yes, unfortunately." She replied, "Now I know that this was a small chat, but keep in mind, you need to train quickly. And tell no one of my visit, your friends shouldn't worry about this until they need to."

"But I've got so many questions! What's gonna happen? What if I can't learn all the Elements? What if they attack The Academy? What if we're not prepared because I didn't tell The Team?" I asked, my mind racing, "I have to at least tell Ursa, she's gotta have answers and help me."

"I already spoke with Ursa and she knows that this is best for you. For now, don't tell anyone, and we'll talk again soon." She replied, standing up and pulling me with her, "Remember, when you need us the most," a million past Avatars stood beside and behind her,

"We'll be here to help." The all said in unison. Then everybody was gone and I stood there shocked for a moment.

I shot out of bed. I ran to my window and looked out at the slowly rising sun. Korra and the other Avatars were no where to be seen.

"How do I know if it was real then?" I thought,

"Because it was." Korra's voice rang through my room. I looked everywhere as she laughed, "Evangelene, I'm in your head." She said, "Now, remember everything I told you."

"Ok," I thought, "No telling anyone about our visit. Got it."

"I'll see you soon, good luck, Avatar!" she said before I passed out again.  

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