Chapter Fifty-Two: The Field Trip Pt. 2 - Tami

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Wednesday Fellnight 6th, 2184

I woke with a start as we landed at the foot of the Northern Air Temple, just within its outer walls. I sat up and gazed around us; the tall, castle-like Temple reached the clouds with its green topped towers that showed elements of when Earth Kingdom citizens once lived in the Temple.

As Ezra, Eva and Taylor stirred and eventually sat up, the other benders hopped off their bison and stretched themselves out. An older monk greeted Master Korrin as she hopped down from Samirah's bison, and he helped direct the young benders away from their bison. More monks took the bison to their stables, as Hayden and Jinn hopped down, calling for us to do the same.

"Eva, get up." Taylor said, shaking her, "It's time to go. Come on." Eva grumbled, but sat up anyway, leaning her head on Taylor's shoulder in the process.

I stood up, and hopped over the side of the saddle, greeting Hayden and Jinn with a smile.

"How was the flying Jinn? I completely fell asleep." I asked, brushing my legs off.

"It was good, not too much wind, but enough that we glided pretty nicely." he said, returning the smile. Hayden squeezed him close, holding an arm around his waist, and kissed the top of his head.

"Good morning." Ezra said, jumping down to join us, "Again." he laughed, and Eva and Taylor jumped down to join us.

"Everyone ready to go?" Samirah asked, appearing beside us out of thin air, "Jinn, follow me to the staples." They said, not waiting for an answer before she sped off.

Jinn groaned, but reluctantly pulled away from Hayden and took Yumi's reigns into his hands as he followed his sister. It didn't take him very long to return, and when he did, we set off into the Temple.

The inside was huge and open, but packed with Air Nomads, and now, the few Teams from The Academy that had come for the field trip. This was the market Korrin had told us about. The smell of spices, cooking food, newly washed cloth, and body odor filled my nose has we moved through the mass of bodies.

"Tami!" Eva called, grabbing my hand as she pulled me to a small stand, filled with hanging jewelry "Look at how pretty this is!" She held up a necklace with a copper medallion dangling from the end of it.

"Wow, that is really pretty!" I agreed, "Now we'd better stick together, so we don't get lost." I said strictly, directing her back to the others.

Ezra and Taylor had found some Fire Nation accessories that they were trying on, and beside them, Hayden and Jinn were getting matching tattoos. Eva raced over to them with excitement.

"Woah, are those real tattoos?!" She asked, peering over their shoulders at the lady who was doing the tattoos.

"No, they're temporary." Hayden laughed, happy to see her reaction.

"They're like henna, tattoos, Eva." I said, "They're pretty similar, but from a different kind of plant here. Do you wanna to get one with me?"

"YES!!!" She cried, jumping "Oh, what should I get though? Should I get a-" she said starting to ramble, like she always did when she was overthinking. I rolled my eyes and sat her down in the cushion in front of one of the artists.

It took her a while to calm down and pick something, but when she finally did, mine was halfway done, and Taylor and Ezra had traded into Hayden and Jinn's spots to get some tattoos too.

Hayden and Jinn ended up with one hand each, covered in flower petal-like shapes, swirly lines and dots. The designs encircled their Element symbols that resided on the backs of their hands. When they held hands --Hayden's left in Jinn's right- the tattoo design made a heart full of swirls and dots.

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