The Lettuce Store Meeting

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An upset Dieter dribbles his football down the street on his way to the store to upsetly buy some cheese and lettuce, because his adoptive father, Tenma, asked him to. He looks up to see a man with short e-boy black hair wearing a long black coat, black leather pants, knee high black leather boot heels, a crow on a leash sitting on his shoulder, and drinking a monster energy drink while getting yelled at by the store owner, who happens to be an older man with grey hair. The man was holding a plastic bag with some unknown contents. Dieter picks up his football and walks up to the man just as the store owner goes back into the store and slams the door in front of the mans face.
"Hey, can I pet your crow?" Dieter asks
"Sure, go ahead," replies the man.
"Do you have any other Monster energys?" Dieter questioned while petting the crow.
"My adoptive father only lets me drink 2 per week, and I'm already at the limit."
The strange man pulls out another Monster energy drink from his plastic bag. Dieter sees that the unknown contents within the bag are actually 2 rolls of toilet paper.
"Here" says the odd looking man as he hands Dieter a original Monster energy drink.
"Thank you," says Dieter as he takes the drink from the mans hand. Dieter opens the can and starts drinking it.
It was a strange sensation. Dieter felt as though he had seen this man somewhere before. He reminded him of someone. But he couldn't quite pinpoint it.

The two of them stood there in front of the store drinking their Monster energies.

"Do you like Monster energy, chap?"
"Yes, a lot actually"
"Mm. Are you perhaps in need of a Monster energy dealer?"
Dieter stared at the man wide eyed.
"What is a Monster energy dealer?"
"Someone who sells Monster energy drinks on the down low, even for cheaper. Like a weed dealer, but monster energy," answers the man.
"Is that... legal?" Inquisitioned Dieter.
"More or less," replied the man. "I know how to do things much worse...chap..." the Goth Man very suspiciously almost whispered...
Dieter thought about it.

"I need some time to mull it over," thoughtfully replies Dieter.
"Alright. I will be here each day at the same time until you make your decision," calmly responded the man.
"Okay, then I'll see you in a couple days, maybe," thoughtfully and quietly said Dieter while walking into the store.

Dieter picked up one of the shopping baskets and went into the cheese isle.

The cheese isle oh so stock piled of cheese. Rotten, stinky cheese. Fresh, smelly cheese. All the cheese you could ever want. Dieter reached for the block of mozzarella cheese and put it in his basket. He then continued on into the vegetable shelf. Dieter took the first roll of lettuce that he saw and tossed it into the basket. He goes up to checkout, and pays for the lettuce and the cheese. Dieter walks out of the store, plastic bag in hand.

On his way home, Dieter thinks about the strange man he had encountered and his offer. He talked with a strange accent, and overall gave off weird vibes. He seemed pretty sus. "Is it safe to appoint him as my monster dealer?" is the thought that kept going through Dieter's head. Whenever he went to the store Dieter's adoptive father wouldn't give him any extra money after Dieter had already drank his limit of 2 monster energy drinks per week, and the change was never enough money to buy one. So if he wanted to obtain any extra monster energies he would have to turn to other means.

Dieter reached his house, and went inside. He took off his yeezys and placed his football on the floor.
"I'm home," he called out, to let his adoptive father know that he was home.
Dieter walked into the kitchen. He took out the contents of the bag and placed them on the counter. Tenma was cooking some pasta for dinner along with a salad, but they didn't have any cheese for the pasta or any lettuce for the salad, hence why Tenma asked Dieter to quickly run to the store to buy some.

After dinner, Dieter went to his room. He thought about the offer the man made some more. He decided to sleep on it.

The following morning, Dieter woke up. He put on some drip and headed down stairs.

He had made up his mind.

So, he put on his yeezys, called out to his adoptive father that he was going out for a walk, and went on his merry way.

Dieter walked to the store, and could see the man from the day before squatting and drinking a monster energy drink.

Dieter walked up to the man.
"I thought about your offer,.. I want you to be my Monster dealer."
"Alrighty mate," the man said and stood up.

From then on, the goth man and Dieter would meet up in a dark alleyway and make a Monster energy drink transaction.

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