Chapter Two: Unwanted Visiting

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Percy's P.O.V-

I began grabbing the needed materials for this mission. Okay, to be honest going on this mission is actually quite exciting. However, its something I never did. It's all new to me. And let me tell you, packing is not fun. Since the Hunt moves around a lot, we have to pack and pack. You'd get used to it at the end, but it's just something you'd also not like. It's like washing the dishes or cleaning whatever else in a... what do people call it... a household? Nah, whatever it doesn't matter to me.

I don't even live in a house. I don't even want to talk about what I even live in. It's kinda weird, if you were to tell an actual mortal where you'd live. I looked into the mirror, moving my hair away from my forehead. Fun fact, I actually had my my hair grown long and regretted growing it long. I blame it on having so many sisters. I sighed looking at the moon mark, or birthmark, I'm not sure what to call it. My mother told me that it was probably there because it saw the potential in me for my future. I believe her, however whenever I look at it for some time, it brings me to the same dang dream or vision. It brings me to the same guy. I slumped onto the floor. None of us hunters are supposed to fall in love. It hurts when I see him every time. Heck, I haven't even met the guy in real life, and yet I'm feeling this way.

I never brought up these dreams to anyone. It was always kept a secret. That is usually something I don't do. My mom has always said to be truthful to her and my sisters. And to many others to be respectful. A yell echoed in the tent, "Percy!" I stood up quickly and as I was about to exit the tent I saw a blue box. "Hurry up, Perseus!" Zoe shouted outside. "I'll be out soon, Zee!" I swear I heard Zoe punch a tree. I chuckled while opening the box. Inside was, wanna know what it was? A pen. A useless pen. I don't know if one of my sisters were trying to play a prank on me. But this, was useless. I don't write. I never wrote anything. But I shoved it into my pocket. I exited the tent and saw Zoe getting impatient. "You are causing us to become let, Perseus." She glared at me.

I rolled my eyes, "You suggested I go with you." I air-quoted, "'So I could learn what's in the outside world.'"

She glared daggers at me. Which, to be honest, has me shaking. "Are we going to go or...?" Phoebe asked. Zoe nodded and we were off. It took us mere minutes. Okay that's a lie. It took us hours to arrive at some sad looking school. "Is this the place?" I asked Zoe. She nodded and pointed at the top of the roof.

"Let's get to the top and hide onto it's boards holding this roof." Me and Phoebe shrugged. We did what we were told. As we sneakily, went inside the school, I thought of who we're looking for. Phoebe made it clear that we are not only looking for one half-blood, but two. She never described or even told us how she knew that we had to find these two half-bloods. If you ever went to a boring mission like I am right now. You would understand how this feels. I might always feel bored everyday in the Hunt, but I'm able to actually find something in the Hunt.

But here during this mission, we have to be quiet and unseen. Which is very very very booooooooooooorrrrrring. I hate being bored. Did I mention that? Yes, yes I did. Phoebe was chewing something. And every time she blew out a bubble. As much as I want to ask for one, I know she won't let me. She is kind of a hoarder. I hate hoarders. I also hate waiting. I'm not one to just sit down and wait. I need to move around. I remember when I was seven that I had a fever. I was told to rest my fever out. But I didn't listen, and to also say it was during the winter. Snow was everywhere. As a child I wanted to play.

So I did, also I ended up feeling a lot worse after that day. My sisters had then tapped me to the bed. Phoebe kept making popping sounds with whatever she is chewing. Zoe seemed to become annoyed by Phoebe's chewing. "What are you chewing?" Phoebe grabbed a pink box from her pocket that read 'Bubble Gum'. Zoe smacked her own face. The quietness in the huge hallway was erupted by footsteps. I took a little peek. There were two people, one with long blonde hair up in a ponytail, another had black hair cut into some punk-style. The person with the punk-style had blue high-lights in their hair. They stood still looking around. Another person in a suit arrived right in front of them. "You guys made it!" he grabbed them into a hug.

The blonde nodded, "Glad we did too, Grover." Grover released them from the hug. "Okay, Thalia, Annabeth," This caught both of their attention. Well, it wasn't just them. Phoebe, Zoe and I were also listening. We needed information as well. What Phoebe has given us, wasn't really much. "There are two half-bloods with a really strong scent." Grover continued. "They are both siblings, Bianca and Nico Di Angelo. "

I was about to sniff my arm to know what kind of scent Grover was talking about. However, Zoe smacked my head, and I believe what she was trying to say was that I'm being stupid. Which is incorrect. I'm just a curios boy. So, please let me be! "Where are they right now?" Thalia asked. Grover pointed to the huge doors.

"They're in the ball room. I told them to wait in there for me."

Annabeth crossed her arms, "That's totally not suspicious." Grover gave a weak smile and rubbed the back of his neck. "Mr. Underwood," A voice echoed in the hallway. Grover quickly turned around to face a older man. A man who can pass a grandpa. I wanted to laugh, but stopped myself. "Who are these two?" the old-crusty man asked. (Yes, I called him crusty.) Grover stuttered, "T-Th-These are new students, sir!"

The old man leaned towards the two. Zoe had her bow drawn for who knows why! I grabbed her bow and shook my head. Zoe kept glaring at the guy. "Alrighty then, Mr. Underwood, please show these students have to Ballroom and start partying!" The old man said with a lot of joy. He could probably almost pass for a fake Santa. Who ever that is. Grover gave a thumbs up to the old man as he walked away. Annabeth placed her hand on Grover's shoulder, "Let's head inside shall we?" Grover nodded and the three walked inside. And we waited. We waited for about another hour or two. Zoe somehow fell asleep and Phoebe was drawing on the wood with her hunter's knife. I kept a look out. Our free time stopped as two kids around my age walked out of the ball room with old crusty man. Both of the kids had black hair and had a lighter skin than me. Nico, the little boy tugged the old man's coat, "Where are we going, mister?" Bianca pulled her brother back, as if she knew something was bound to happen.

The old man hadn't said anything. Well, that was until Thaila threw a shield to the guys head. Ouch. Never want to be him. Ever. The two screamed in fear. Thalia turned to them trying to calm them down. They stopped screaming, but they were still scared. Annabeth and Grover came into the scene. "What happened?" Annabeth yelled. Thaila started explaining to the other two. Something in my pocket was moving a lot. I looked and saw the pen moving violently. Rumbling echoed on the other side of the wall. The old man had completely changed into something uglier. It charged at the group below.

Phoebe tried waking Zoe from her deep sleep. (Note: Wake Zoe before a fight is going to break out.) Grover grabbed the younger ones out of the way and the other two were ready for battle. And tell me, why did I run into the battle. Not gonna lie, it was cool, but I attacked without even thinking. Also the pen turned into a sword somehow. Once I ran into battle Zoe woke up. "Perseus!" She yelled jumping down shooting a silver arrow at the enemy. We were able to take it down.

But we also had someone in the way. Annabeth jumped onto the guy's back getting in the way. I'm suppose to hate or despise women. However, it hurt seeing her fall with the enemy. Thalia growled and grabbed Zoe by the jacket, "Why didn't you save her!" She spat. Grover grabbed Thalia off my sister. She glared at me , "Oh, so you protect a boy and not a 'maiden'." Phoebe was about to say something or curse at her in Greek. Zoe stopped her, "He is my brother, and the only respectful boy in the world. " I smiled.

Thalia rolled her eyes, "Whatever, we and these kids are going back to Camp." Zoe grabbed her wrist, "You may, but we Hunters shall be there." We, except for the kids, gave Zoe a shocked look. Zoe excused the others and we followed her. Phoebe asked, "You're joking right, right?!" Zoe shook her head, "Unfortunately, no , Lady Artemis wants us to go there, so I took this opportunity for us to let the camp members know that the Hunt will be there." Phoebe frowned. We headed back to the Hunt and informed the rest of our sisters. I've always wondered what camp actually looks like without moving around a lot.

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