Chapter 6: Office of Military Intelligence

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{{\\DATE: 1st Summer, 2012 //}}

"...oh say, does that Star Spangled Banner..."

A man was resting in his office as the radio played the American Anthem. He hummed as he got up and started checking what the plan was.

He took a sip of his coffee as he was given a paper not too long ago, and he decided to open it up and read what was needed. Orders from Truman.

The Korean War just broke out and mom needed him to start gathering everything he could on the North Koreans. Any bit of intelligence would help and it would give the US an advantage when they fully intervene.

He started to walk around heading out of his office and into the main area.

There, he saw the finest chunks of America's intelligence. Each of them poured over every detail they were given, while agents in the field were delivering information back to the HQ.

Enacting America's will as one of her first true international Intelligence Agencies was hard work.

How things were nice and lovely back then, only worrying about keeping 'Untie Samantha safe...

He then turned, stopping before the foyer and looking down at the floor.

There he saw his emblem, fresh, and newly christened. And just below it, he saw his name, shining under the blinking light given by the sun.

The Office of Naval Intelligence.

Of course, that is who I once was. I stood in front of that old uniform, looking at the American flag I once served. But now, I serve another.

I took a deep breath before I walked away from the suit and towards the middle of my room. My room was split in half, one half, my former nation, the other half? Well, her Remnant double.

And on the table, was a hologram of all known Covenant naval locations. I had already given them the idea to expand this war of survival, from a conventional war, to a full scale total war.

Many of my superiors are hesitant, but I gave them that advice. I noticed that the UKR has more Nova Bombs than the Covenant have dockyards.

Too bad no one can see it yet. I took a deep breath as I turned to look at an old photo.

Oh how much I missed my mother. I went to walk over to the picture and smiled, seeing how uncomfortable I was with my mother holding onto me. I chuckled as I remembered much I had done.

I looked to the other side, and saw how I was given the title and duty to create the Atlas, and later, the UKR intelligence service.

I soon went back to look at the picture of me and my mother. Just then, I noticed a reflection on the glass cover, a reflection of someone coming out from the invisible.

I went to set the picture down carefully, listening as the guy clearly doesn't have a firearm. Bad move.

I turned around and, with the standard issue special operations loadout, fired suppressed 12.5 x 45mm pistol rounds into the target. He managed to block each shot that was going in for the killing blow. As he launched himself to words, I lost my balance, before he went to fall down and make a roundhouse kick from the floor, dodging his arm and blade as my metal boot landed on the assassin's face.

I then stood up as he landed on the ground. Just then, I heard glass shatter. I looked to where the class was shattered as my eyes widened.

My mother's picture fell to the floor, the cover in pieces. I just stared in shock and went over it, picking it up. I went to put it back on top of the shelves, but that is when I noticed, a cut directly between me and my mother.

But at that time, my rage was beyond my own mental fortified to see the metaphor, just more angry that the photo of my mother and I, was even damaged to begin with.

He stood up and made a valiant attempt to throw his knife at my face. I grabbed it by the handle and threw it into his shoulder.

I heard his pathetic screams of pain as I, well, I turned on the laser sight and raised it up. As he looked up with the knife ready, I made a single shot, blowing up his skull as his blood and brain bits flew all over the room, infecting its holy sun old with this diseased filled blood. I was so angry that I swapped mags and begin to fire some red dust into him, causing his body to become a bonfire as I unloaded my entire mag.

I soon begin to stomp the ashes out of anger and frustration, and any bits of him left has stained my clean black boots, creating even more anger, making me release it upon him.

When I was finished having my rage out, I went to pocket my pistol as I heard over the coms. "This is President Schnee, on the behalf of the UKR military, civilian, economical, and governmental bodies, I give you authorization to push the button for the designated targets.

I smirked and told the president. "You have just effectively prolonged the war, but into our favor."

I pushed a button, sending the signals and locations for all of the launch sites to send their missiles to the Covenant planets which houses our Nova Bombs.

After a few minutes, I begin to see live footage of space dust drive equipped missiles being launched to those planets, making millions of decoys and jamming enemy systems.

Oh I smiled like a mad man as I watched each and every Covenant naval dockyard and factory, vaporized. Soon enough, there was no more naval production of the Covenant. I felt upset that I wasted all of our hundreds of thousands of NOVA bombs, but it is vital for the war effort.

I soon turned to the blood stained American flag and gave a hearty laugh. "You're right ma'am, it feels good to give a, 'Proportional Response'."

I laughed as I soon left to clean myself, and my room of this, filth. God I hope I never have to deal with this shit again, otherwise I'm going to commit some genocide on those bastards.

I wonder what should I use if they try again? Well, if only I'm in America, then, I could nuke them to oblivion. Meh, I'm Remnantian now. And if you are reading this other than me?

Pray to God I'm not behind you, cause your cause of death, will be stated as, jumped out of a building. But there will be, a bullet in your head.

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