Chapter 10: Regroup in Hell

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{{\\ DATE: 5th Spring, 2029,    89th Autumn, 2029 //}}

"This is sector 7 we're under attack!" Was heard over the intercom as my platoon was within our thick concrete trenches.

"This is FOB Alpha Covenant companies assaulting our positions! Requesting reinforcements!" We couldn't do anything as we were looking forward to our MGs within the bunkers.

It soon became a mess of incoming signals as the Fleet high above was getting rammed, a massive Covenant fleet arrived with tens of thousands of warships against our small fleet of a hundred, with warships from both sides falling from the skies as the Covenant offensive began.

A massive Covenant warship, larger than even mountains, was seen hovering over our positions, dropping massive or small pods down at their staging locations as we were within our trenches. Their cannons were focused on ensuring that our defensive fleet is unable to support us within this next endeavor as they deployed swarms of flies all over the planet.

I looked up as our air force was targeting their probes using anti ship missiles, with massive explosions seen, but many of the Covenant transports turned their cannons and opened fire upon our transports as their appendages made out of entire colonies of worms. They soon stood up and opened up their massive plasma cannons, which then were fired from their eye-like appendages towards our defenses, in an attempt to crush our defenses.

To make matters significantly worse, the swarms were also forcing our Anti aircraft batteries and all of our fighters to commit to multiple sorties and missions in order to attempt to dent the enemy assault.

Our anti ship cannons targeted their positions as fireworks were happening over there. We, however, are more excited at the shells that are rapidly approaching our positions, from our side, as the Covenant forces continue to shell our positions in order to weaken us, and a futile attempt to make us route from our positions. Only thing we have to do is to wait for the Planetary Guard to take up our positions so we can go right back into the counter offensive.

Back in the frontlines, we are running back and forth, ensuring that our mortars have a constant supply of shells to chuck at the incoming assault with our IFV firing its autocannons. I went to take a brief view over the edge and spotted a massive wave of armored Covenant vehicles, covering the ingrown flesh that filled it up inside. Around them are a horde of infantry with suiciders in front of them, screaming their lungs out as they charged at us on horseback.

Those idiots got their own forces killed when machine guns fired into their houses and themselves, allowing for them to be used as bombs to blow up their forces. But it seemed like an endless mass of them filled in their empty ranks, forcing us to continue to open fire with our nearly bottomless pit of ammunition.

A month of build up for them and they were felled by a trap. Those suiciders barely did any damage to us and outright hurt the advance of their own forces. That was a nice bonus to all of that for us Marines, got to watch the efforts of the enemy completely go to waste.

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