expect the unexpected

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My mind and thoughts were going crazy. I dropped to my knees and continue to read note, this wasn't what I expected hell no. I wouldn't even wish this to my enemies. After I finished reading the note, I looked at the empty place, what i call home. The emptiness gave me chills, i normally loved it, but now the emptiness felt empty... 

I grabbed my jacket, locked the door and made my way to my car. Most people would cry their heart out if they had to go through the same situation as me, but I wasn't like that, I could cry but not permanently.

Driving to the hospital wasn't a good experience either, many things were flooding through my mind. My dad and I were never on good terms, but losing him would still touch me, everything was just going too fast for me to take in. I was driving way past the drive limit but I didn't care, I needed to be there, as fast as i could. Even with my tough act going, I saw a drop hitting my jeans. They came slowly, but I still kept a stern face without sobbing. With everything on my mind I didn't notice that I arrived at the hospital.

I saw a woman at a desk and saw a sign with reception on it. I ran to it. "Hello m'am, can I help you?" the woman asked with a fake smile, she looked friendly but her eyes seems uninterested. ''yes I'm here for my father, do you know where he is?" I asked still panting, hell this was more exercise in a day then I had all year. She asked my surname and looked through the system. Soon she had found, what she has been looking for and looked at me. I was waiting impatiently, tapping my fingers against the high desk. "He's on section G floor 4 room B" Before I knew it my feet were walking a direction I didn't even know where to. What did section G even mean?

The halls were full of people with worry on their faces. You could sense the air, and it wasn't a good one. Thankfully in the elevator there was a sign with the floors on it. I clicked on the button of floor 4 and was soon met by the white walls and green floor. On the wall were grey letters and it read 'section G'. I walking past the doors till I saw room B. I just stood there, in front of the door, hesitating for a moment till I had the courage to go in.

When I walked into the room, I saw my dad laying on the bed. The room looked small but I was glad that he didn't had to share it with someone. He looked like he was in a peaceful sleep, but I didn't hear a beep sound or anything to signalize his heart rate.

I wanted to sit down but my body didn't let me, frozen in place, I looked at my dad. The door made a shriek sound and it shorty opened revealing a man in a long white coat. He walked to me and didn't hold a nice expression on his face. He was almost forming wrinkles on his forehead. He looked around the thirties but looked older with his frown.

"Miss Anderson glad you could make it, I have some news to tell you, you probably already heard but I thought it was fair to enlighten the situation here. Mister Anderson got a heart attack, He was alone in his house, till a neighbor saw him laying on the floor and called 911. We also saw that he had a intern bleeding, the cause is still unknown, but we are trying to find some anwsers. We tried the best we could but nothing worked really, he didn't respond on anything we tried, unfortunately I have to tell you he didn't make it"

I was panting again, realization hit me hard. I had nobody, he was the only one I had left. I didn't talk to my uncles or aunts, So basically I was alone. I realized I was still standing on the same spot since the doctor left. Tears started to come, I hated it when I cried because I didn't like to be vulnerable and crying didn't help either. I Kneeled against the bed with my arms leaning on it.

''I'm so sorry" I say between small sobs "it was all my fault, all i do is fight with you and i couldn't tell you what you meant for me even when all you did was scream at me. You're still my dad and i'm so so sorry i just" i start sobbing again, fuck i hate this, i hate everything.

After a while my tears had become dry and there was no sound to be heard. My throat had become dry as well so i decided to go and get some water. I wandered through the halls looking for a watermachine, hoping there was one in general. Finally i saw one in the waiting room, there were some cups next to it, so i took one and filled it. Someone tapped my shoulder and i turned around to be met by a familair face.

''Hi nice to see you again" he said with a soft smile.

I studied his face, it was so clearly in the  daylight, because all I remembered was the shadows and the moon reflecting his face.

He stared right in to my eyes  and I noticed that it was a beautiful shade of grey and blue (a/n just pretend Ryan Guzman has blue eyes  lol)

"ehm hi" I muttered, feeling kinda awkward after our last occurrence with him rejecting me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't introduced myself properly, I'm Austin'' he offered his hand to shake and I just looked at it, after a while realizing he wanted me to shake it so I accepted it while saying "Hi I'm veronica"

why am I so awkward? before I could answer myself, I saw his lips moving. "why are you here? If you don't mind me asking you." he asked looking concerned, who would go to the hospital for fun anyways. Looking at my shoes I was debating if I should tell him or not and it felt like deja vu again.

"My dad got a heart attack and didn't make" I muttered feeling more down then before but it wasn't his fault so I couldn't blame him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know... I'm so.." he said almost panicking, but I cut him off mid-sentence. "Don't worry about it, I don't need your pity, but it's just really hard for me especially because we weren't on good terms so..." I dragged off, looking at my feet. "I'm sorry about last time, I shouldn't have behave like that, I think my ex-girlfriend got in to my head, im sorry again here i will write my number" he chuckled while he wrote his number down and handed to me.

I was watching him with wide eyes, because what the hell was happening, he went on "call me if you need me or need a place to stay" And that soft smile of him returned. He gave a nod making sure i got what he was saying and went off.

I was still standing in the same spot with the small paper in my hand. I looked around to find a trace of him but he was nowhere to be found. I didn't even asked the reason for his visit at the hopital. Why was i acting so stupid around him, what the hell veronica, men up, it was like my thoughts were screaming and were all over the place.


Soon i found myself driving, i just didn't know where to. I don't want to be a bother to emily and honestly she would boom me with a lot of question and i wasn't in the mood for that. Going home wasn't a option either, because i didn't wanted to be reminded, reminded of the horrific event.  I pulled to the side and sighed heavily. Tiredness came over me and let my head rest on the steer wheel. In the corner of my eye i caught the paper that (i think his name was Austin?) gave to me. Before i knew it, i found myself ringing the number that was written on the paper.


Hi omfg sorry for the slow update. It's been a while huh?. I've been busy and lazy to be honest. I want to thank you for reading this chapter, this was just a filler. I wanted them to meet each other and i promise it will be better from now on. Spreading love to everybody who's reading my story *throwing flowers and hearts* don't be too harsh on me for the grammar but feel free to comment about mistakes! Love you guys (btw im going to portugal next week for a month on vacation but i think i will keep writing there) loveeee you babies :) xxxx

Love nica

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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